YOGYAKARTA - Gigiries became the beginning of cavities. Gigiries are the condition of dental damage in the early stages due to missing dental minerals. This condition occurs due to the demineralization process. Then can dental caries be lost or cured?

Gigiries became the beginning of enamel damage or the outer layer of teeth. According to WHO information, almost half of the world's population has experienced dental caries problems. This condition is more at risk experienced by people who like to eat sweet and acid foods.

Dental minerals can be lost due to exposure to foods and drinks that contain acidic substances resulting from waste from bacteria. Bacteria living in the oral cavity will reproduce, then eat away from the rest of the food that sticks to the surface of the teeth and produce acidic substances.

In addition to eating habits that are not maintained, brushing teeth at the wrong time can also increase the risk of dental caries. Then what are the symptoms of dental caries and how to deal with them?

The dental case causes symptoms that are different from the signs of cavities. Here are some signs of dental caries that you need to understand.

Generally, dental caries do not erode the dental structure. So people who experience dental caries do not need to undergo dental revocation. But you should also not allow this condition without handling it.

If neglected for a long time, then the dental carias will get worse. The worst stage of the dental case can cause cavities. Therefore, you must immediately take preventive measures when experiencing symptoms of caries.

If you find symptoms of caries in your teeth, you should immediately take care of them. Here are some tips for treatment to deal with dental caries

Gigiries that have caused damage to the dental structure cannot only be overcome with remineralization. Also, dental filling is needed, which can be done with patch material such as Glass Ionomer Cement or composites.

Gigi remineralization therapy serves to restore lost minerals. This method is done by applying high dose fluoride and dental vitamins containing CPP-ACP. This treatment is used to deal with dental caries that have not caused damage to the dental structure.

However, this therapy will only be successful if it is accompanied by changes in diet, such as reducing sugar consumption. In addition, you also need to brush your teeth twice a day with the right technique and use fluoride toothpaste. In addition, you should also clean your teeth with dental threads.

If the damage to the teeth has reached the pulopa layer which contains blood vessels, nerves, and lymph nodes, there will be an infection with pulpa teeth. This condition requires endodontical treatment of the tooth nerve.

Penabalan sealat bicaritas dilakukan jika karies empat berada di daerah pit dan cungka fissure empat. Tujuan adalah untuk mencegah makanan tertjebak di dalam perang tersebut dan menghindari terbentuknya karies Gigi baru.

Demikianlah penjelasan bisa karies Gigi hilang atau sembuh. Kondisi karies Gigi bisa ditangani dengan sejumlah treatment di atas. Supaya bukut Anda tidak mengalami masalah ini, pastikan untuk memperhatikan makanan yang diumumsi dan kubes Gigi secara setelah. Baca juga manfaat airivasi bagi kesehatan Gigi.

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