JAKARTA - Ayu Ting Ting plans to report people who are suspected of spreading negative news regarding their children and families. This was conveyed by Ayu Ting Ting's attorney, Sandy Arifin.

He said that for the past three weeks his party had collected various kinds of evidence to be submitted to the authorities. However, he is still waiting for Ayu Ting Ting's decision for further action.

"Yes, what we are still studying is that we are still looking at the evidence and more clearly, the person who posted vilifying our client yesterday and is also likely still waiting for the family to return because of the pilgrimage," said Sandy Arifin at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, June 13.

"So if for example it is fixed for sure and the data we have collected is complete, then we are just waiting for a decision from Ayu and her family," added Sandy Arifin.

Sandy said that Ayu planned to indict the gas certificates of these individuals because they had made negative news regarding their children and their families.

"Yes, there are many things that must be one about children, both family relations," he explained.

Therefore, Sandy said that Ayu Ting Ting wanted to report this irresponsible person to the authorities so that they could provide a deterrent effect.

"That's why yesterday when we met Kak Ayu, we really wanted to give a lesson so that the person who slandered our client's name would not do it again. So we want to provide a deterrent effect to the perpetrators on social media," said Sandy Arifin.

Until now, Sandy and Ayu have collected a total of 30 accounts suspected of spreading negative news about the child and the family of the dangdut singer.

"There are a lot. More than 10 and some are also 20 or 30," he said.

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