Growing nails that are long and strong is not easy. But with proper care and attention, this is completely achievable. Healthy nails are not just about beauty but also a sign of overall health. Here's the final trick to help you achieve your dream nails, reported by the Times of India, Thursday, June 13.

Healthy nails start with a balanced diet. Nutrition plays an important role in the growth and strength of nails. Here are some vitamins that you can consume in order to get healthy, strong, and shiny nails.

Biotin: Vitamin B is important for nail growth. Biotin-rich foods include eggs, nuts, seeds, and sweet potatoes. You can also consider biotin supplements after consulting a doctor.

Protein: Nails are made of kertin which is a form of protein. Make sure you get enough protein from sources such as fatless meat, nuts, and pods.

Iron: Lack of iron can cause brittle nails. Combine iron-rich foods such as spinach, red meat, and lentil into your daily nutritional intake.

Omega-3 Fat Acids: Found in fish, walnuts, and hemp seeds, omega-3 keeps your nails hydrated and flexible.

Stay hydrated: Dehydration affects the whole body, including your nails. Drink a lot of water every day to keep your nails and cumicula moist.

In addition to internal care, it is also necessary to take care from outside. Some things you can do to keep your nails stronger, namely;

Use a nail booster: Nail booster is indeed useful, but it must be used properly. Choose a nail booster that does not contain formaldehyde. Because this content can make nails fragile if used for a long time. In addition, use a booster according to the instructions, usually no more than once or twice a week.

Protect nails: Daily activity can have a bad impact on nails. Protect nails to prevent nails from damage.

Gloves: Wear gloves while doing household chores, especially when using cleaning materials or washing dishes.

Avoid hard chemicals: Use a soft nail polish remover and avoid products made from acetones that can dry nails.

It is cut regularly: Routine care helps prevent the skin from breaking and damages more severely. Also cut the nails every two weeks so that the length can be arranged and prevent it from getting stuck.

Kikir correctly: Use a smooth nail file and cross-link in one direction to avoid weakening nails.

Melembuhkan kuku dan kutikula: Menjaga kerugian kuku dan kutikula adalah kunci mencegah keberatan dan kerusakan.

Kutikula oil: Apply the Kutikula oil every day to keep your cumicula hydrated and healthy. Find oils that contain nutritious ingredients such as vitamin E, jojoba oil, and almond oil.

Hand cream: Use a good hand cream after washing your hands to lock in moisture.

Avoid the use of excess nail polish: Kutex or nail polish is fun, but excessive can damage your nails.

Rest nails: Rest your nails from the nail polish every few weeks so the nails can breathe.

Basis: Always use the base layer to protect your nails from stains and damage.

Be gentle with the nails: Care for your nails carefully to avoid damaged nails. Don't use nails to open the can or erode the label. This can cause the nails to burst or split. As a form of nail care, try working and nail polish gently so that it doesn't run low.

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