JAKARTA - Work stress is not always bad. There is even a term for the joy you feel when faced with a challenge that tests your capacity positively, namely eustress.

You may experience an eustress during the first few weeks after receiving the coveted promotion. On the other hand, stress can cause mental health changes that make you afraid to work. You may experience a decrease in physical health or even experience an injury at work.

There are various causes of work stress and it could be that what you feel is not necessarily felt by colleagues. That's because you have different abilities from colleagues, not because you are less capable of dealing with stress. Each person has individual strength and vulnerability to stress.

Work stress can be caused by several things, such as:

The World Health Organization (WHO) shows the above as a factor that causes work stress to become more severe.

Although there are many things in work that cannot be changed, you can consider several proactive steps to help manage stress in the workplace.

Managing stress in the workplace can help reduce the adverse effects on physical and mental health. Sometimes contacting colleagues can help. Because they may have a similar experience and can offer suggestions for dealing with problems or providing empathy.

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