YOGYAKARTA - The importance of brushing seems to be that many people are aware of this era and have never left a routine of sterilizing the teeth and mouth of this germ every day. But what needs to be known is what is the correct dose of toothpaste? Let's discuss it!

In fact, there are many things that we have to pay attention to when brushing our teeth, starting from how to brush their teeth effectively and the proper dose. You must know, especially if you are a parent, it is mandatory.

If so far you have not understood the benefits of toothpaste and the technique of determining the amount, then the following discussion will definitely be useful for you.

The use of the correct type and dose of toothpaste will provide the following benefits:

I. Slow Down Degeneralization Process

With reduced mineral content in the teeth influenced by many aspects, starting from the age and inflammation process from germs. Predictions for the loss of minerals due to germs can be done by using toothpaste that is suitable for pregnancy. Demireralization due to age can be assisted by the consumption of appropriate minerals.

II. Protect Natural Dental Colors

There are various aspects that can stimulate changes in the color of teeth, such as smoking followed by smoking and consuming colorful meals and drinks. There is no need to be too restless because changing the color of the teeth can be prevented by brushing teeth using the right type and dose of toothpaste.

III. Minimizing Various Dental Health Disorders

Brushing teeth with quality toothpaste will make the condition of the teeth and mouth free from various health problems. Some health problems that are prone to occur if you are lazy to brush your teeth, including cavities, mouth odors, gum inflammation, and dental organizations.

Until now, there are still many people who think that the use of toothpaste must be done along the dimensions of brush hair. Meanwhile, this assumption is in fact wrong. You don't need too much toothpaste to make teeth clean optimally. The American Dental Association reports that the right amount of toothpaste for adults is only as big as pea or corn seedlings. This amount is enough to sterilize teeth if it is accompanied by combing the right teeth.

Meanwhile, children who have not grown teeth do not need toothpaste once because the process of cleaning the oral cavity only needs a clean wet cassava. Children who already have teeth and are under 3 years old (batita) need only toothpaste as much as rice grains.

The dose of toothpaste is right because in general, batita has not been able to gargle and dispose of mouthwash properly so that toothpaste is prone to swallowing. Batita often swallows toothpaste in large quantities of risk of fluorosis, namely damage to the surface of teeth due to excessive fluoride intake. The amount of toothpaste can be increased little by little along with the increase in child's age until it reaches a measure of the size of pea or corn seeds towards adulthood.

What Must Be Avoided When Brushing Your Teeth

I. rubbed Too Fast Or Too Often

Launching from ANTARA, make sure to brush your teeth no more than 2 times a day. Excessive rubbed teeth can damage your gums and enamels or dental emails.

II. How To Brush Wrong Teeth

Brushing your teeth is mandatory vertically, but the majority of people are used to doing sweeps horizontally long. This can cause irritation and damage.

Hold the brush at an angle of 45 degrees to the gums. Brush your gums and teeth with ups and downs and short sweeps.

III. Brush Your Teeth Hard

Brushing your teeth hard can damage your gums. Brushing your teeth more than 3-4 times is also not good for you.

Because eliminating the habit of brushing bad teeth may be difficult to do, then switch from manual brush to automatic brush.

IV. Wrong Choice Of Brushing Teeth

Mistakes in sorting out the toothbrush can disturb the teeth. Hard or moderate brush hair can erode a healthy layer of teeth.

V. Using Anti-Sensitivity Dental Tape/Permanentutih

Another common mistake is using toothpaste which has medicine for sensitive teeth. Gigicing for sensitive teeth is indeed able to relieve symptoms such as ngulu, but cannot overcome these problems and is prone to making cavities, gum disease and mouth odor.

The main component of toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth is to cure sensitivity and brighten the color of teeth. This type of dental appearance is actually not a problem as long as it is used in the right amount.

In addition, you also need to know the reason 'Why do you mostly have Mint-flavored Gigi?'.

So after knowing the correct amount of toothpaste, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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