YOGYAKARTA Nodes of paint that fall on the surface of the glass usually occur during the painting process of the frame. If not immediately removed, the paint stains will dry and hard to remove. On the other hand, the paint stain makes the glass look dirty and interfere with the view. No need to worry because there are tips and how to remove the paint stains on the window is basically quite easy.

When you encounter a paint stain on the window glass, avoid eroding it with nails or rough objects like sandpaper because it will make the glass surface scratched. To keep it smooth and clean, here's how to remove the paint on the window glass.

One of the benefits of white vinegar is being able to clean the paint stains on the glass. This method can be practiced independently. Here's how to clean the paint on the window glass with vinegar.

When sneering the vinegar to the surface of the glass, it is recommended to remain careful because the glass has the potential to be damaged due to the acids contained in the vinegar. In addition, avoid sprinkling the boiling vinegar directly because it will trigger a change in the temperature on the glass and then break suddenly.

Some women with acetone liquid may be familiar. The liquid is usually used to clean the nail polish. This liquid can also be used to clean the paint stains on the window glass. Here's how to clean the paint stains on the window with acetone.

When rubbed window paint with acetone, it is recommended to open windows and doors so that air circulation runs smoothly so that there is no smell of acetone stuck in the air.

Apart from acetone, you can use other chemicals to clean the stains on the windshield. But before doing so, see how to clean blurry glass with chemicals to minimize the negative effects of the material for humans.

One of the easiest ways to clean nail stains is with sharp objects such as a thin shaving knife. This knife is used for dry paint straightening. But don't turn too hard because it has the potential to damage the paint surface. How to clean dry paint on the window glass with a shaving knife is as follows.

It must be known before choosing the cleaning material, try to find out the cause of the stains on the glass. Because each stain will be different how to handle it. Check out how to remove mold in the windshield to clean it optimally.

Those are some ways to remove paint stains on the windowsill. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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