JAKARTA - The Sule family was also present at the Gala Premiere for the film Dilan 1983: Wo Ai Ni which was held at Paris Van Java (PVJ) Bandung on Sunday, June 9. Together with Putri Delina, Rizwan, and her lover Santyka Fauziah, Sule admitted that he was touched and grateful for Ferdi's acting in this Bustomi dawn film.

"Maybe like this, the father's gene is strong, even though his father is already at the point for whatever, there is convenience, but the children can already feel his career. It's hard to find a job but he can already feel it. For example, Ferdi is not the main character, he is Agus, who is a close friend of Dilan, but his brothers are all here, it's a form of support that makes them proud," said Sule.

According to Sule, Ferdi still has to want to learn. "For this first film, he's been good. Ferdi actually really wanted to play movies, since before Dilan, he really wanted to play movies, instead he just asked me to make a film for me, but I said it's not time for us to wait for sure one day someone offered it to you. Incidentally, there was this offer, the process took him a long time to ask 'how do I be? I'm not?' So he's already prepared himself," he said.

Seeing the results of his son's hard work, Sule admitted to crying while watching the film Dilan 1983: Wo Ai Ni. Without being awkward, he praised Ferdi in front of the media crew.

"He's already that age, it's really cool because. I shed tears, not looking at his role, but he wanted to study and I watched Ferdi in addition to studying formal learning for acting. He bought Pidi Baiq's book maybe Pidi's father or also this, he bought his book and continued to watch Dilan's film. everything, during filming finished filming watching any film, "he recalled.

Dilan 1983: Wo Ai Ni tells about Dilan's love story as children who are full of fun. This film also stars the number of selected child actresses and actors.

In 1983, after a year and a half living in East Timor, Dilan returned to Bandung. Dilan also met his old friends at SD where he used to go to school.

There is also a new student who moved from Semarang named Mei Lien, a girl of Chinese descent. Mei Lien has forced Dilan to learn Mandarin and is interested in reading books that discuss China.

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