JAKARTA - Celebrity Gisella Anastasia with her daughter, Gempita Nora Marten had the opportunity to watch Dilan 1983: Wo Ai Ni before showing in theaters. After watching, Gisel, his nickname admitted that he felt touched because the story in this film had a good message and was close to the lives of children their age.

"Everything seems to be touched, because there are many good messages in the film Dilan 1983 Wo Ai Ni, it's really related to the lives of children their age," said Gisella Anastasia in the Duren Tiga area, South Jakarta, Thursday, June 6.

He also felt that the acting played by the players in the Dilan film was very good and the problems raised in this film had educational value for children.

"(Menedukasi) Banget karena aktingnya nggak aneh-strange, nggak berat-berat mengadusikasi kasus problematisanya itu kita belajar banyak dijadijar dan banyak value," tambah Gisella Anastasia.

Not only that, Gisel also felt nostalgic after watching it especially the moment when he played outside the house which is rarely done by today's children.

"Remember playing outside of his house, nowadays children rarely play outside Gempi's house, we see that currently playing in front of my house is not there, it's very rare. It's like we used to ride bicycles outside, so we can feel that it was his childhood," explained Gisella Anastasia.

Film 'Dilan 1983: Wo Ai Ni' akan tayang di bioskop mulai 13 Juni 2024 mendatang. Film ini akan dibintangi sejumlah aktor muda, seperti Muhammad Adhiyat, Malea Emma, Ashel JKT48, Zayyan Sakha, Muzakki, Queen, Sulthan, Ferdinand, Keanu Azka, Graciella Abigail, Shania Diva, Cleo, hingga Cleo.

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