YOGYAKARTA - Drinking sugarless coffee provides its own benefits for the health of the body. In addition to its more pronounced taste and making it literate, this brew of coffee is also able to keep blood sugar levels from rising. So when should you drink coffee without sugar?

Everyone has a different choice of coffee drinking time, whether taken in the morning, afternoon, or at night. There are people who have a habit of sipping coffee before starting activities. There are also those who prefer to drink coffee at night.

Maybe at this time you will start trying the habit of drinking coffee without sugar. If you consider the body's mechanism, there are certain times that are recommended to drink coffee made without using additional sugar.

The best time to drink sugarless coffee is in the range from 09.30 to 11.00 in the morning. Drinking coffee at these hours can help the body be more energetic and not interfere with the quality of sleep at night.

Sometimes drinking coffee too early in the morning can make the body feel sleepy during the day. While drinking coffee too late in the afternoon can reduce the quality of sleep at night when resting. So it is better to drink sugarless coffee between 09.30 and 11.00 in the morning before noon.

Why is it recommended to drink coffee at that time? These hours are a time when the cortisol levels in the body decrease. Cortisol levels are a stress hormone produced by the body in the morning. These hormones make the body more alert and energetic to undergo activities.

The degree of cortisol in the body usually increases from 07.00 a.m. to 08.00 a.m. The levels of cortisol continue to decline until they reach their lowest point at night when you sleep. In addition to responding to danger, the hormone cortisol also plays a role in helping the body's biological clock or circadiant rhythm that regulates sleep cycles and wakes up.

When you drink coffee in the morning, especially between 07.00 and 08.00, cortisol levels will increase. This condition can cause side effects such as anxiety, anxiety, or irritability. Meanwhile, drinking sugarless coffee after 14.00 p.m. can cause a rapid decrease in energy and difficulty sleeping or sleepless at night.

Some people may not be used to drinking coffee without sugar or other additional ingredients such as milk and creamer. Even though brewing coffee like this actually provides various benefits for the health of the body.

Here are some of the benefits of drinking sugarless coffee that you need to know:

That's the best time to drink coffee without sugar that you can apply. By understanding when you should drink coffee without sugar, you can benefit more significantly from the coffee you drink. Also read the effects of stopping drinking coffee for a month.

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