Gelobal warming is getting worse every year with one proof of melting ice and increasing the volume of seawater in the world every year. This must be considered and anticipated. However, is there a way to prevent global warming that we can do? Yes of course there is, see the discussion here!

What Is Global Warming?

Global warming or global warming is a form of weather change in the region as well as a larger time.

Global warming occurs in wider and global regions or coverage. That is, the increase in temperature occurs in a planet, namely Earth.

NOAA informed that between 1880 and 2016, the surface temperature of the Earth has increased to reach 0.95 degrees Celsius.

Global warming can occur due to the presence of carbon dioxide gas and other greenhouse gases which are the result of burning fossil fuels.

After that, the gases will double the heat in the atmosphere, as well as become the main trigger for climate change and global warming. In fact, human behavior and activities also take a role in triggering global warming.

Therefore, from now on, humans must be aware and prevent a greater impact of global warming. How?

I. Save water

Save water use can reduce the energy consumption needed to manage water. Turn off the faucet when not used and don't take too long.

II. Reduce Clothing Purchases

The fashion industry contributes up to 10% of global CO2 emissions. Reduce the purchase of new clothes and wear good old clothes. When a special costume is needed, consider renting it.

III. Planting Plants At Home

Planting plants in the yard can help absorb carbon dioxide and kick the area. This also makes the area cooler and greener.

IV. Eat Vegetables

According to the UN Environment Program, changing the diet for more plants can reduce carbon emissions. vegetarian diets can reduce emissions to 500 kilograms of CO2 per year, on the other hand, so vegans can reduce up to 900 kilograms of CO2 per year.

V. Use Public Transportation

Using public transportation or walking/cycling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by private vehicles. This is a simple step that can reduce environmental burdens.

VI. Waste Management

The 3R principle, which is to reduce, reuse, and recycle, can help reduce the impact of climate change. Avoid waste and reuse some of the existing items. Moreover, the rest of the food can be converted into compost.

VII. Shifted to Electric Vehicle

If possible, invest in environmentally friendly electric cars. Electric cars can reduce CO2 emissions to 2 tons per year, and their electric charging is very simple.

VIII. Don't waste food

Food waste contributes up to 8-10% of greenhouse gas emissions. Reduce waste of food and convert food residue into compost can help reduce this result.

IX. Use Renewable Energy Sources

Using renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind can help reduce emissions and will not run out over time.

XI. Work from Home (WFH)

The Covid-19 pandemic has popularized work from home (WFH) which can reduce the use of motorized vehicles and air pollution. Virtual meetings also reduce travel to make air cleaner in the last 2 years.

Adopting these simple steps in our daily lives can help tackle global warming and contribute to better preserving the earth for future generations.

To further add insight into global warming, it would be nice for you to read: Climate Change, Global Warming, and Influence on Increasing Air Turbulence

So after knowing how to prevent global warming, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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