JAKARTA - Indonesian celebrities are now intensively uploading the All Eyes On Papua hashtag on their respective personal Instagram accounts to become hot chats on social media X or Twitter.

Sebafai informasi, taga tersebut merupakan bentuk dukungan kepada warga Papua yang sedang membelangkan hak mereka atas pengomasan hutan adat yang akan dijadikan lahan perkebunan sawit.

Seeing this, a number of Indonesian artists were seen voicing their support. They are busy sharing posters of support for the Papuan people.

Some of the artists who were seen supporting were Irish Bella, Nikita Mirzani, Jessica Mila to Syahrini.

This poster that reads All Eyes on Papua itself is shared through the add yours feature on Instagram social media. This feature allows people to upload the same photo so that it becomes a chain message.

Broadly speaking, the poster reads a call for 36 thousand hectares in Boven Digul Papua which will be built by PT Indo Asiana Lestari.

"Just in case for those who don't know yet, so the forest in Papua, precisely in Boven Digul Papua, which covers 36 thousand hectares or more than half of Jakarta, will be used up and built by PT Indo Asiana Lestari," the poster said, quoted by VOI, Tuesday, June 4.

Previously, on May 27, the indigenous people of the Awyu tribe in Boven Digoel, South Papua and the Moi Tribe in Sorong, Southwest Papua visited the Supreme Court to reject this forest clearing.

The reason is that these forests are customary forests where they have lived for generations, as well as sources of livelihood, food, culture, and water sources that will disappear if this forest is built by oil palm plantations.

"In addition to potentially eliminating natural forests, this oil palm plantation project also produces 25 million tons of CO2 emissions. This amount of emissions is the same as contributing 5% of the carbon emission rate by 2030," he continued.

"The impact is not only felt by all Papuans, but has an impact on the whole world, therefore, let's help voice the rights of Papuans and continue to support the struggle of the Awyu tribe in defending their customary forests," said the poster.

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