JAKARTA - Giving praise is one of the simple, but effective child discipline strategies to improve good behavior. Tell your little one you value his efforts in complying with the rules made. Can motivate him to continue to work well.

Praise can encourage a variety of good behavior. Catch your child being kind and showing it. Positive strengthening will encourage him to continue. Pay attention to the good behavior of the child, then give praise. Positive strengthening will encourage him to continue to do good things.

Give praise as often as possible and as soon as possible

When you see your little one doing good things, try to praise him as soon as possible with less praise. In addition, often give praise to children even though it's just a small thing, for example when he plays calmly for a long time.

Give specific praise

If you want to praise, give specific praise. Instead of saying "thank you" only, it's better to say "thank you for putting the plate in the sink before the father/mother asks." This sentence clarifies his good deeds.

Compose the sentence of praise with a positive tone

Instead of saying, "thank you, for not guaranteed all day," said, Mother/Father are proud of you for staying calm when you say you can't leave the house. Show the behavior you want to see more from your little one, not the behavior you want to reduce. Never mix praise with criticism, because it will lose its effectiveness.

Praises his efforts, not the results

Praise can build a healthy self-esteem when you use it to show your child's business. Instead of praising your little one for getting a 100, praise his efforts in studying for the exam.

Give sincere praise

Instead of saying, "You are the smarter kid I've ever known" or, "You're the best footballer in the whole school," give realistic praise. Say things like, "You're a good runner," or "You do your homework well."

Avoid labeling children

Buying children, even though it's positive is not a good thing. Calling a child a'small smart' call or 'great kids' can cause children to think that's all they can do. Focus your praise on their behavior, not their nature.

Make the rules for disciplining children

You can prevent a lot of bad behavior by praising your little one. However, when children violate the rules, it is important to have negative consequences that will prevent them from doing bad behavior in the future.

When he is struggling with certain behavioral issues, make clear plans about how you can use praise to encourage good behavior. For example, if a child hits his brother while he is angry, invest your energy to praise him for using good words, gentle touch, and problem-solving skills.

In general, children have a desire to please those closest to them and do good in order to get attention. The key is to be consistent. Keep giving praise to the child until he adapts to good behavior and does good things really because he wants to, not to get attention.

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