JAKARTA The shuttle Warriors again held the FPV Drone Freestyle competition with the theme 'Throttle Warriors FPV Freestyle Video Competition'. Different from the previous competition, the fifth event in 2024 was held online through social media Instagram.

Participants who take part in this competition only post 1 minute (uncut) videos on their respective Instagram accounts. Participants are also required to follow the @throttlewarriors account, and provide hashtags, #twfcomp when uploading (posting) videos contested.

Luthfi or Upay, as the organizer of the activity, explained that drone activists, especially FPV freedom in various regions, can take part in this competition for free.

'Participants are open to the public. Deep, and out of town. 'Video is free. Where to start. The most important thing is 1 minute uncut (without editing/uncut)," said Upay, Sunday, June 2.

Another requirement to take part in this competition is to turn off, or not use an image stabilizer. And, the type of drone used is a 5-inch FPV. And the video is allowed to have a music background.

Meanwhile, the time lag (deadline) given is June 20, 2024. This means that the video that was contested was posted past June 20, did not get an assessment from the jury.

"The purpose of this activity is none other than for gathering facilities. And it becomes a platform for drone pilots to channel their vulnerabilities in controlling FPV drones", he explained.

The video will be assessed by the jury based on tricks, trick variations, difficulty levels, image aesthetics taken, including precision, flow and thrust management.

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