JAKARTA - Celebrity Bryan Domani is trusted to be the main character in the film Temurun, directed by the cinemaku Pictures production house as Sena. Uniquely, in this film, Bryan Domani plays the character of the Betawi people who have a much different dialect with his everyday speech.

Bryan admitted that in the process of learning the dialect he was assisted by Producer of Temurun Film, Umay Sahab.

"I want to thank our coach dialect first, his accents. Umay, who taught us, Umay taught me, Yayas, we were reading at Inara's house, he taught us," said Bryan Domani in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Monday, May 27.

During the learning process, it is not uncommon for Mawar De Jongh's lover to get criticism from Umay because his Betawi dialect is still wrong.

"(Umay said) 'No, it can't be like that. Kaga, not not not ', (bryan replied) 'OK, Umay. Sip'. We have a key problem, not a key (but) conci. Sip Umay," he continued.

For Bryan, this has become a new experience for him during his career as an actor. It is undeniable that Bryan enjoyed his role.

"So, the character of Sena is really very different, maybe some of the characters that have been played before, but fun," he said.

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