YOGYAKARTA Stress langguage or what can be called the language of stress is a term that refers to how a person expresses or responds to stress. This expression is related to a person's mental health. There are at least four types of langanguangene stress available.

This article will provide information about stress management, examples, and tips on how to manage these stresses.

Reporting from the Times of India, mental fitness expert Maya Raichora explains the importance of a person reacting to the stress conditions or situations in a relationship. According to him, knowing the language will help manage relationships, emotions, and be able to help understand yourself.

In simple terms, fight response is a person's response to the conditions or situations that trigger stress with explosive feelings. Please note that the explosion of feelings is a form of resistance to the stressful situation.

An example of a fight response is to shout or scream at those who lean with anger, or blame others for causing difficulties.

This stress language can be controlled so as not to hurt others verbally. You can do this with exercise, yoga, or other physical activities. This is because regular exercise increases stress resistance.

Meanwhile, other people who face someone with a stress language are advised to keep it quiet first. Avoid contras so that there are no disputes.

Someone who has this stress language usually doesn't know how to express their stress. In fact, they tend to harbor the negative feelings they feel. Unfortunately, this method is actually considered dangerous because it only harbors its own problems.

An example of flight response is that someone who is stressed will look anxious by moving their legs repeatedly, or avoiding or diverting certain topics of conversation to disguise their worries.

How to deal with flight response is with the suggestion that the feelings felt are valid so that any expression can be expressed.

Freeze response is usually synonymous with stress control. Usually someone who has a stress-response freeze is a inferior, easily desperate person, and has the potential to blame yourself when in trouble.

An example of freeze response is like disappearing when encountering a difficulty. It will usually be difficult to contact and tend to isolate.

Someone with this stress language is advised to have good friends who can accommodate all the stories. In addition, activities such as yoga, jogging, or other sports are highly recommended.

Many think that this response is related to feelings that are already frozen or numb. Someone with this stress language will choose to agree or make other responses so that the difficult events they face are quickly resolved. There is also a tendency for someone with this response to avoid prolonged conflicts so they don't care about their own feelings.

An example of a response factory when a person says 'yes' to pick up his girlfriend even though his body is tired and needs rest.

How to manage stress so that it doesn't last long for the owner of this response is to learn to say 'no'.

That's information about stress management type. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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