YOGYAKARTA - fasting in Islam consists of two types, namely mandatory fasting and fasting in sunnah. As is the law, mandatory fasting is fasting that must be done by all Muslims and must not be abandoned.

In the book Dahsyatnya Fasta Wajib & Sunah by Akhyar As-Shiddiq Muhsin, Lc. and Dahlan Harnawisastra, Lc., it is stated that mandatory fasting is fasting, which if done, will get a reward and if left behind will receive your heavy hand.

Regarding this, it is also explained in the word of Allah SWT, in the Qur'an'an Letter An-Nuur:63: People who violate His orders are afraid of being subjected to trials or subject to a painful punishment.

Muslims need to know various types of obligatory fasting to carry out their practices. Every type of fast must have provisions and their respective working times.

An explanation of the various types of fasting must be conveyed by Dr. Wahbah Az-Zuhaili in his book Al-Fiqhul Islamy wa Adillatuhu. He mentioned that there are 4 types of mandatory fasting, namely Ramadan fasting, kifarat fasting, Nazar fasting, and qadha fasting.

The following is an explanation of various types of mandatory fasting that must be understood by Muslims:

Ramadan fasting is the type of mandatory fasting that is most commonly recognized by Muslims. This fast is carried out for every Muslim who has entered the billboard. This fast is done every year during the holy month of Ramadan, which is the 9th month in the Hijri calendar.

Ramadan fasting is run for a full month starting with the determination of the government or Islamic organizations such as Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. The obligation to fast is contained in the Qur'an as follows:

"O people who believe, it is obligatory for you to fast as required by those before you so that you are devout." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 183)

Another mandatory fast is the fast of kifarat or cadre. The word 'cafare' in language has meaning as replacing, paying, covering, and repairing. This act of cadre must be done by someone after committing immorality, for example, such as killing because it is unintentional, having sex with a husband and wife during the day during Ramadan, breaking the oath, and so on.

fasting is one type of cadre to redeem or pay for the mistakes made. Therefore, fasting for this cadre is mandatory. In this case, Allah SWT obeys me in QS Al-Mujadi: 3-4, as follows:

People who raid their wives, then they want to withdraw what they say, (the obligation on them) to free a slave before the two wives mix. That is what you are taught, and Allah knows very well what you are doing. Whoever does not get (the slave), (the duty on him) fasts two consecutive months before the two mix. The same is not powerful, (the obligation) to feed sixteen poor people. That is so that you believe in Allah and His Apostle. Those are the laws of Allah, and for the infidels there is very painful punishment.

The best time to fast the cadre is that it is better to make mistakes or violations as soon as possible. However, if you can't do it as soon as possible, you should know various types of mandatory fasting in Islam. before arriving in the next month of Ramadan.

Nazar fast is fasting that is carried out by a person based on promises that he has made or said. The word 'nazar' in language is 'aupaya' which means obligatory. So when a person performs the fast, it means that he has required fasting for himself.

For example, when someone says, 'I will fast if I succeed in passing the exam or being accepted by work.' The expression from him is actually a promise from a servant to Allah SWT. If his hope is fulfilled or granted then he must carry out his vow.

The time that can be chosen to fast nazars is at any time after a person performs a vow. However, there is a provision that the fasting of nazars is not done during times forbidden to fast, such as Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, during menstruation and nifas, and tasyrik day.

Qadha fasting is done to pay or compensate for the shortage of Ramadan fasting. This fasting must be done when someone misses or leaves Ramadan fasting due to obstacles that are allowed by religion, such as being sick, traveling far away, and others.

Regarding this, it has been explained in the Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah:185, as follows: Anyone sick or on a trip (then he breaks), (mandatory for him to fast), as many days as he left behind, on other days.

The time for fasting qadha is quite long. This fast can be carried out from the 2nd of Syawal (after Eid al-Fitr) until the next year's Ramadan.

Those are the explanations of various obligatory fasting in Islam that must be understood by Muslims. Fasting is a mandatory law so that it must be carried out in accordance with the provisions mentioned above. Also read zakat fidiah in the form of anything and for whom.

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