YOGYAKARTA - Some people are interested in conducting religious tourism by visiting a number of Islamic places. Religious tourism can be an interesting activity with family or friends to spend holidays or weekends.

There are several religious tourism in Jakarta that can be visited. In addition to providing different experiences, religious tourism can also increase a person's faith and try to get closer to God.

In Jakarta, there are several destinations that offer Islamic values. Visiting a number of these places can be used as a form of Islamic development in Jakarta. In addition, there are also magnificent and beautiful new mosque buildings.

The following are recommendations for some Muslim religious tourism in Jakarta that you can make a destination for visit:

The first Muslim religious tourist destination that you can visit in Jakarta is the Istiqlal Mosque. As a symbol of Indonesia's pride, this mosque is considered one of the most beautiful in the world and also the largest in Southeast Asia. The mosque with a capacity of 200 thousand pilgrims has a magnificent building.

The appeal of the Istiqlal Mosque is not only located in its magnificent size. Interestingly, this mosque was designed by a Christian architect named Frederich Silaban. This confirms the spirit of tolerance and religious diversity. In addition, the mosque is also close to the Cathedral Church, one of the oldest churches in Indonesia.

The architectural design of the Istiqlal Mosque combines strong Islamic elements. From the door decorated with Asmaul Husna to 12 pillars that symbolize the birth date of the Prophet Muhammad, all of them are integrated harmoniously in the splendor of this building.

The next mosque that deserves to be visited is the Pitung Mosque. As the name suggests, this mosque is closely related to the hero of Betawi Si Pitung. Located along Marunda Beach, Cilincing Village, North Jakarta, this mosque was founded by Pitung and his family in 1600. The building architecture is very simple with a joglo-style roof and is supported by four pillars which are unique attractions.

One of the next Muslim religious tourist destinations in Jakarta is the Luar Batang Mosque. Located on Jalan Luar Batang, Gang V No. 1, Penjaringan Village, North Jakarta, this place of worship has high historical value. No wonder every day, this mosque is crowded with thousands of pilgrims.

Apart from historical records, the Outer Batang Mosque is also a burial place for Al-Habib Husein bin Abubakar Alaydrus. Architecturally, this mosque is simple but has two towers resembling a beacon that has a unique touch. Even so, this mosque has been recognized as a cultural heritage since 1993.

The Sunda Kelapa Grand Mosque should not be missed if you look for religious tourism in Jakarta. Previously, this building was used as a post office and a railway company during the Dutch administration.

After the Dutch power period ended, the building was changed to the Japanese Navy office. Then after Indonesia's independence, this building was renovated and turned into a mosque in 1987. The Great Mosque of Sunda Kelapa was officially inaugurated by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin.

Another religious tourist destination in Jakarta that is interestingly visited is the At Tin Mosque. Located on Jalan Taman Mini 1 No. 3, Pinang Ranti, East Jakarta, this place of worship was first established in 1967.

Over time, the mosque has undergone a transformation into a magnificent building. Around this mosque there is a garden decorated with lights and a neatly arranged palm tree. The surrounding atmosphere creates a thick Middle East aura, with various luxurious ornaments beautified by the At-Tin Mosque.

Al Riyadh Kwitang Mosque, which is located on Jalan Kembang VI, Kwitang, Senen, Central Jakarta, is an Islamic religious tourist spot that is always crowded. Even though it is in an alley, this mosque is very popular and often crowded with visitors.

In the Al Riyahd Kwintang Mosque area, there is the tomb of Habib Ali bin Abdurrahman Alhabsyi or Habib Ali Kwitang, an influential cleric in the 20th century. Every month of Ramadan, this mosque presents a solemn and spiritual atmosphere. Visitors can make pilgrimages, worships, and enjoy the blessings of this holy month.

Those are some Muslim religious tours in Jakarta that you can visit. Every place mentioned above has a thick feel of Islami and some are silent witnesses of Islamic civilization in Indonesia, especially Jakarta. Also read

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