YOGYAKARTA - The efficacy of turmeric to health has been known for a long time. Not without reason, the spice season that is often used as a cooking ingredient has protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and various other nutrients that are known to increase body immunity to minimize the risk of heart disease. Then when is the right time to drink turmeric water? Let's discuss it here!

Berdasarkan beberapa sumber mengatakan kalau waktu yang tepat buat kita dapat memaksimalkan potensi air kunyit itu ada di waktu pagi hari serta sebelum tidur.

Benefits Of Drinking Kunyit Water In The Morning

I. Relax The Sendi Midfielder

Research 2012 proves that turmeric activities have strong activities compared to diclofenak which is commonly used in pain care.

II. Type 2 Diabetes

The 2009 study at Auburn University and published by Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications, obtained the results of the tested turmeric effect on the diabet.

III. Fight Inflammatory

chronic inflammation occurs caused by many diseases. The turmeric has the benefits of anti-inflammatory benefits that are effective in curing inflammation, especially better than other anti-inflammatory drugs.

Benefits Of Drinking Kunyit Water Before Sleep

I. Maintaining Body Immunity

The utility of drinking turmeric water before going to bed for health is to protect the body's immunity. Thanks to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial content in it, this drink is able to support the body's immune system to fight exposure to free radicals and avoid bacterial and viral infections.

II. Overcoming Implementation Disorders

Overcoming digestive disorders is also the benefit of drinking turmeric water before going to bed. First, the kurmin on turmeric is believed to support the production of mucus which is useful for protecting against damage to the stomach wall due to pepsin and stomach acid. That way, you can relieve dispepsia and reduce the risk of stomach hatchlings.

Furthermore, liver and bile functions will also be preserved because turmeric is believed to be able to increase the production of bile liquid and stop damage to the liver due to exposure to poison. The anti-inflammatory compound and antioxidants in it are also able to handle irrigable bowl syndrome and bloating stomach by the method of smoothing the work of digestive tract muscles.

III. Control Weight

The benefits of drinking turmeric water before bed are other things to control weight. This benefit is obtained from the ability of anti-inflammatory properties in suppressing the response to cell infection, including those triggered by obesity. Not only that, the antioxidant properties possessed by turmerics are also able to inhibit adipative differentiation, namely cells for storing energy in the form of fat

IV. Relaxing Haid Symptoms

The next benefit of drinking turmeric water is that it relieves menstrual symptoms because it has a curvature. These compounds are believed to reduce contraction in the uterine muscles, increase blood circulation, and balance hormone levels. This can relieve menstrual pain, reduce the risk of irregular menstruation, and help overcome acne.

V. Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease so that it is beneficial to drink turmeric water before other sleep. Because, the kurmin is able to protect against damage to the blood vessel layer so that it can optimize the function of the heart to drain blood throughout the body. The nature of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory in them also helps protect heart health.

VI. Lowering Cancer Risk

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in turmeric can reduce the inflammatory and free radical response, thereby reducing the risk of cancer is also one of the benefits of drinking turmeric water before sleep. The reason is that turmeric is believed to be able to reduce the risk of cell damage and the emergence of new cancer cells and prevent mutations, turn off developments, and prevent the spread of cancer cells.

In addition, what you should know turns out: Poor Kunyit Maintains Physical Health and Men's Reproduction.

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