YOGYAKARTA In the sclera or white part of the yellow eye, it can be caused by certain diseases, or known as yellow disease. But there are also other causes that affect the color of the eye without changing its anatomy.

Yellow disease, caused by bilirubin levels in the blood is too high. Bilirubin is a yellow waste substance found in bile. This liquid is made by the liver to help break the fat. Well, if there are many bilirubines in the bloodstream, it causes yellow skin and eyes. Yellow disease causes different causes, both in adults, children, and newborns.

In newborns, launching Medical News Today, Wednesday, May 8, yellow eyes are usually symptoms of yellow disease. This is because the liver is still in the maturation stage so that bilirubin accumulates rapidly rather than the baby's heart's ability to break it up.

In addition to being marked by yellowing skin, parents must also be aware of eating or drinking breast milk, lack of energy, sensitivity or irritability, and fever. Most cases of yellow disease in newborns are harmless and can recover without treatment as the liver matures. However, it is still important to routinely check with pediatricians to recognize early if there is a blood mismatch between infants, infections, and internal bleeding.

In adults and children bigger, yellow eyes are often due to more serious problems. There are three reasons for yellow disease for adults and bigger children, including the following:

That's a list of causes of yellow disease in adults and bigger children that cause yellow eyes. Some of the harmless yellow diseases in adults and children are rare. For this reason, it is very important to check with a doctor so that serious causes can be handled properly medically.

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