YOGYAKARTA For people who have been registered as prospective pilgrims to go for Hajj, it is advisable to read the reading of the intention of the pilgrimage. The reading of the intention of Hajj is pronounced before performing the pilgrimage so that it is more afdol and is expected to become a large pilgrimage.

Intention is the reading that is recited before performing all worship, including the pilgrimage. Therefore, it is important for prospective pilgrims to know and then recite the intention of Hajj, both pronounced directly and in the heart. The position of the pilgrimage itself is quite important because it becomes the first unit in the pilgrimage.

Quoted from the website of the Ministry of Religion of West Sulawesi, the first Hajj unit is ihram or wishes to carry out Hajj in Miqut. For prospective pilgrims, before leaving for the Holy Land for Hajj, they are required to read their intentions.

The following is the reading of the intention of Hajj complete with Arabic, Latin, and meaningful inscriptions.

Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

Nawaitul hajja wa ahramtu bihi lillahi ta'ala labbaha Allahumma hajjan


"I intend to do Hajj with a fire because of Allah Ta'ala." I welcome Your call, O Allah, to perform the pilgrimage.

In general, the intention of worship is read before performing the worship itself. Regarding the procedure for reading the intention of Hajj, there are many differences of opinion.

Reporting from the website of Muhammadiyah, the intention of the pilgrimage or ihram intention is carried out by intending to sincerely perform the pilgrimage because of Allah SWT.

After that, recite the Labaka umratan (for Umrah), or Labaka hajjan wa umratan (for the pilgrimage and umrah), or Labaka hajjan (for the pilgrimage). The reading is read according to the type of hajj to be done in predetermined places (miqat).

The procedure for reading the intention of the Hajj by the Tarjih Council and the Muhammadiyah Tajdid is based on several hadiths, one of which is narrated by Bukhari and Muslim which means as follows.

I heard Rasulullah Saw reading talbiyah to perform hajj and Umrah together with the reading of Labaka umratan wa hajjan (I obeyed Your orders for Umrah and Hajj) [HR. al-Bukhari and Muslim].

In addition, there are other opinions regarding the procedure for reading the intention of Hajj. Quoted from NU Online, Imam An-Nawawi's cleric explained that the intention of Hajj must be restated in the heart, pronounced, and accompanied by the pronunciation of tallbiyah.

"People who want to ihram must intend to be in their heart, recite their intentions, and recite their thoughts. How can he say in his heart that while saying, 'nawaitul hajja wa ahramtu bihi lillahi ta'ala, good lab Kuahumma lab baik, I have the intention of hajj and berahram because Allah SWT, I came to fulfill Your call, O Allah', until the end of the tallbiyah pronunciation. This is among the most perfect intentions.'

It is also recommended for people who plan to register for Hajj next year to find out how to register for online Hajj.

That is information related to the reading of the intention of the pilgrimage. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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