The news of the Peaky Blinders spin-off film was officially confirmed by Netflix. The news that developed for several months, finally the streaming company confirmed the news.

Netflix has uploaded a photo of the script for the film Peaky Blinders. They wrote, 'Thomas mediate again. The film Peaky Blinders starring Cillian Murphy will come to Netflix.'

Tommy thinking returns. A Peaky Blinders Film starring Cillian Murphy is coming to Netflix. It seems like Tommy wasn't finished with me...It is very gratification to be recollaborating with Steven Knight and Tom Harper on the film version of Peaky Blinders. This is one for...

The film was written by Steven Knight and was directed by Tom Harper who directed several episodes of the first season of the Peaky Blinders series.

Cillian Murphy revealed that he was still interested in playing Thomasmen. Murphy's return was also predicted by Knight.

"It looks like Tommymen are not done with me yet. It's great to be able to collaborate again with Steven Knight and Tom Harper in the film version of Peaky Blinders. This is one for fans," said Cillian Murphy quoting Deadline.

Murphy akan kembali ke film. Kami syuting bulan September di Digbeth, kata Steven Knight secara terpisah.

Knight also said the film Peaky Blinders looks set to release in 2025 considering they are just starting production in the second half of this year. The film will be released on Netflix.

Peaky Blinders is a World War 1-based series focused on crackdowns on street gangs, including a gang led by Thomasmen.

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