YOGYAKARTA - In addition to consuming tea, some parents also often drink coffee. Many wonder why the elderly drink coffee? Given that their body is not as good as easy times, many people are worried about the habit of the elderly who like to drink coffee.
Not a few people think coffee is not good for old people or the elderly. The caffeine content contained in coffee is feared to interfere with the health of the elderly. Moreover, caffeine is a stimulant that increases the heart rate.
But the fact is that many elderly people have a habit of drinking coffee, both in the morning, evening, and at night. So that you don't overthinking or worry too much, let's see an explanation of whether coffee is safe for the elderly.
Elderly are allowed to drink coffee as long as they pay attention to boundaries or not excessive. If you want to be even safer, you should first consult a doctor or nutritionist. This step is important to take to adjust the level of safety of coffee consumption related to the health condition of the elderly.
Drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee and tea are safe for the elderly to consume within reasonable limits. In addition, drinking coffee for the elderly can also provide a number of good benefits. The content contained in coffee plays a role in increasing cognitive abilities and reducing the risk of Alzheimer.
A researcher fromctiono Cowan University in Australia, Samantha Gardener, conducted research on coffee relationships with a decrease in Alzheimer's risk. From the results of the study,ctiono Cowan said that consuming coffee in the amount of 1-2 cups could increase executive functions such as time management activities, planning, and working memory.
Meanwhile, from studies conducted by AARP and the National Institutes of Health, it was stated that elderly people who regularly drink coffee had a lower risk of overall death. This is related to caffeine content that can increase energy, fight fatigue, and increase mood or mood.
In addition, drinking sufficient coffee can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Given that cardiovascular disease is one of the health problems that can trigger death, so drinking coffee can prolong life expectancy for the elderly.
Even though drinking coffee has a number of benefits for the elderly, behind it there are also negative impacts that lurk. The elderly are reminded not to consume excessive coffee in order to avoid the risk of health problems that may occur.
Here are some negative effects of drinking coffee for the elderly that must be watched out for:
That's the review of the elderly drinking coffee? Old people are allowed to drink coffee as long as they pay attention to restrictions or not excessively. It would be better if you consult a doctor first to ensure the safety level of drinking coffee for the elderly. Also read the list of drinks that contain caffeine.
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