Already On A Diet But Fat In The Stomach Doesn't Go Away, Why?
Belly Fat Illustration (Kittisak Jirasittichai/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Some people have problems with fat accumulating in the stomach, arms, and thighs. It feels like all efforts have been made from diet to exercise, but why does the accumulation of fat in that area still not go away?

In fact, of the three areas, belly fat is the most difficult to get rid of. Even though you have followed a strict diet and regular exercise, it still takes a lot longer to shed belly fat.

Quoting the Daily Mail UK, Monday, March 8, scientists also agree that fat in the stomach is the fat that is most difficult to burn. Meanwhile, fat in other parts of the body is easier to burn because the body uses it as fuel for metabolism.

The intermittent fasting diet program is not recommended by experts if you intend to lose belly fat. Experts suggest a calorie deficit diet will be more effective at reducing belly fat.

Excess calorie intake will greatly affect the amount of fat in the body. So, if you eat large amounts of high-calorie foods, it's likely that calorie build-up can occur. Unfortunately, this buildup will sooner or later create changes in the intestines.

"While most people would think that all fat tissue is the same, in fact, the locations are very different," says Dr. Mark Larance.

The intermittent fasting method does change the fat reserves in the body into fatty acid molecules which are used as the main fuel. But the results of the analysis prove that it is effective on fat in other parts of the body while belly fat does not undergo any transition.

"This shows that visceral fat can adapt to repeated intermittent fasting combat and maintain its reserves," says Dr. Larance.

It is this type of fat adaptation that makes burning belly fat very difficult. Even with diet or fasting, the buildup still cannot burn.

For that, if you really want to reduce belly fat, it would be nice to change your diet by reducing your daily calorie intake. To complement this, it would be nice if you also try to regularly do various sports to shrink your stomachs, such as jogging, swimming, crunches, and planks.

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