Married May 5, Mahalini And Rizky Febian's Reception Held In Bali And Jakarta
Mahalini and Rizky Febian (Instagram @rizkyfbian)

Happy news came from the pair of singers Rizky Febian and Mahalini who will hold their wedding on May 5. This was reported directly by one of Mahalini's relatives.

He said that on May 5, the wedding would be held at the bride and groom's house, aka at Mahalini's house located in Bali.

"The event will be in Bali first, May 5 later," said one of Mahalini's relatives.

Furthermore, Mahalini's relatives also explained that the marriage of the eldest son of comedian Sule will be held in two cities at once, namely Bali and Jakarta.

"A few days further in Jakarta," he added

Before being officially married, Rizky and Mahalini are required to attend a traditional ceremony called mepamit which is a series of Hindu marriages to say goodbye to their ancestors.

"In Bali, this is a mepamit ceremony before the wedding ceremony is held," explained one of Mahalini's neighbors, Made Kardi.

In a video spread on the TikTok account @dharwaca_nas, it shows Mahalini's house in Bali, which has begun to be installed with a tent or tetaring which is a typical Balinese tent made from coconut and bamboo leaf suppliers.

Through their respective personal Instagram accounts, Mahalini and Rizky Febian also briefly showed their photos with a blue background that was thought to be a sign of their closer marriage.

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