Support Paula Verhoeven In Hijab, Baim Wong Reminds The Consequences
Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven (Instagram @baimwong)

JAKARTA - Celebrity Paula Verhoeven looks convinced to wear the hijab. Seeing this, as a husband, Baim Wong admitted that he hoped that his wife's decision could bring goodness into his life.

Then, Baim Wong added that he as a husband could only support Paula's decision.

"Yes, hopefully what God willing, there will be, so it will be better, more about life, more mature if we as husbands can only guide," said Baim Wong in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, Sunday, April 28.

Furthermore, Baim said that he had never forced Paula to wear the hijab. This decision was said by the mother of two children after performing Umrah some time ago.

"I've always been praying, using the hijab, I never taught him about praying 5 times, I never forced him, basically yesterday when he came home from Umrah he suddenly said I wanted to wear the hijab," continued Baim Wong.

Hearing his wife's words, of course Baim Wong immediately allowed it but he required that the decision be actually carried out properly or Paula suddenly let go of her hijab.

This was said by Baim Wong because he did not want his wife to be ashamed because she could not keep her own promise.

"I said yes, but the hijab has a heavy consequence, in the sense that everything is ready, not just to be released from the pair, if it is not appropriate, we will be ashamed of ourselves," he concluded.

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