Umrah's Experience Makes Asty Ananta Busy Repairing Death
Asty Ananta and Hendra Suyanto (Instagram @asty_anta)

JAKARTA - Celebrity Asty Ananta shared the latest news about her being busy improving herself to become a better person after undergoing Umrah for the first time with her husband, Hendra Suyanto in the month of Ramadan yesterday.

Not without reason, because when Umrah Asty Ananta witnessed Ustazah who was the wife of Ustaz who guided her to die. This ultimately made him seem to be reminded of death and sincerity.

"My husband and I always try to be a better person, but we try and pray that Allah will allow us to be a better person and take care of our good thoughts," said Asty Ananta in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Monday, April 29.

"Pun berbisan begitu, kami sepakat mengejarnya lebih ke bencana, jadi tidak hanya bicara soal materi. Kami percaya Tuhan kasih usiaman yang panjang pasti untuk melakukan dan menjadi manfaat bagi banyak orang," sambungnya.

For this 39-year-old woman, this experience has become an experience that makes her become more grateful for the life she gets.

"Maybe if for me personally I was reminded about death like yesterday after the prayer in the holy land, usually after the prayer isya tarawih, there is really something wrong with the corpse, how do we say it," he said.

"Yes, between us, we were touched, felt that God's blessings were extraordinary, we were given a long life but we were also allowed to pray for those who died, to die in the holy land, God willing, to perform one worship in the month of Ramadan," explained Asty Ananta.

Therefore, Asty and her husband have since prepared their inners to prepare for death with gratitude, not fear.

"Indeed, the preparation is inner, especially my husband and I believe that what is called death is certain, but how to prepare for what is there is gratitude when called and not fear when facing it," he concluded.

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