5 Causes Of White Lines Appearing In Nails
Illustration (Nubikini/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Have you ever seen white lines on your nails? Before worrying too much, it should be noted that most white lines on your nails are not dangerous. However, if you have a lot of lines or a pair of lines extending across all nails, this could be a sign that something more serious is going on.

Reporting from Livestrong, Friday, April 26, study the causes of the appearance of white stripes on the nails.

The white line on the nails most often appears as a random sheet or white spot, which is technically called leukunicia. These lines are usually caused by minor trauma to the nails, such as biting a nail or hand accidentally hit the table, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

This white line usually moves according to the growth of the nails. These lines will reach the tip of the nail and can be cut or thought about. Try to avoid destructive behavior that may cause trauma to the nails such as biting or pulling the nails. You can also stop for a moment doing the manikur, because the manikur method that is too hard can also damage the nails.

When a fungal infection on the nails first appears, sometimes it looks like a random white line. Over time, this line will spread, its shape becomes more irregular and gives rise to a yellowish season, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Fungal infection requires the treatment of a doctor. Doctors will prescribing oral anti herbal medicines and/or creams, controls, or topical gels rubbed into nails that are exposed to fungi.

In some cases, the white line on the nails appears to be a pair of horizontally transversely lined lines on the nails, from one side to the other. It is known as the Muehrcke line, and remains in the same place and does not move as the nails grow, according to Paarls'.

If you press your nails, the Muehrke line will be lost for a while. Usually caused by hypoalbuminemia, or when you don't have enough albumin protein in the blood, which may be caused by malnutrition or liver disease or kidney disease.

Increasing protein levels will usually improve these lines as well, sometimes with blood infusions, according to StatePearls. Talk to the doctor if you feel you have a line like this about the best way to treat it.

An allergic reaction is also one of the causes of white spots on the surface of the nail. Usually this allergic reaction is caused by the use of nail polish or removal of inappropriate nail polish. Not only that, the use of gel-shaped nails can also damage the nails and cause white patches on the nails.

Lack of minerals or vitamins in the body is also one of the main causes of the appearance of white marks on the nails. The lack of minerals in the body that are often associated with the appearance of white spots is zinc and calcium.

Therefore, make sure to increase the consumption of liquids and foods that contain a lot of zinc. Some examples of foods that are high in zinc, such as eggs, red meat, to soybeans. In addition to containing high zinc, the food is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

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