5 Breakfast Menu For Brain Health, Not Rice
Menu makanan untuk kesehatan brain (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA - Breakfast not only provides energy sources for the body, but also plays an important role in brain health. Nutrition intake is needed by the brain to be able to focus and think well. Therefore, make sure to choose a nutritious breakfast menu.

So far, the breakfast menu is synonymous with rice, contracts, bread, and so on. But in addition, it turns out that there is another food menu that is actually better beneficial for brain health. Foods such as rice and Goodminton do contain high sugar and carbohydrates, but risk increasing blood sugar levels.

The right breakfast option can encourage brain performance to be ready to face daily activities. So what are the breakfast menus for brain health that can be used as meals in the morning?

Greeting in the morning should not be missed because it becomes an energy filler to prepare for the day. Not only supports body stamina, but eating in the morning also helps prepare your brain performance.

That's why you have to choose nutritious or nutritionally rich foods for the breakfast menu. Here are some of the recommended breakfast menus for brain health to think sharply and have a high focus:

Who likes eggs as a food for breakfast? It turns out that this favorite food of many people is not only delicious, but also a good source of nutrition for the brain.

According to a study conducted by the American Society for Clinical Nutrition in 2011, eggs contain protein and rich colin. These two nutrients are known to play a good role in maintaining and increasing intelligence. Eggs can be served in various ways, such as frying, boiling, or being made orak-arik.

Green vegetables also contain many useful nutrients, such as lutein, folate, beta-carotene, and many more. According to research conducted by the American Academy of Neurology in 2018, the nutrients found in green vegetables are useful for slowing cognitive decline in the elderly.

Reminding the benefits for the elderly, green vegetables can be a choice of daily food menus. You can process various menu variations for breakfast, starting from spinach, mustard, kale, and others.

This food is already well known as good intake for brain performance. One type of fish that has important benefits for brain health is salmon. This fish stores protein content and omega-3.

According to a study conducted by the American Institute of Nutrition in 2007, omega-3 has proven to be able to increase cognitive intelligence. salmon is also recommended as a breakfast menu for children because it contains nutrients that play an important role in their brain development.

There is another choice of a breakfast menu that can support brain health, namely tofu oraks. If all this time you only present tofu as a regular side dish, try to process it in the form of orak-arik. This food is not only rich in protein, but also contains triptofans and isoflavon which can help reduce symptoms of depression.

For those of you who are not used to heavy breakfast, berries can be the right choice before starting the day. Berry fruit is a source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants known as flavonol. This diverse nutrition in berries has a positive effect in improving brain function.

According to a study conducted by Neural Regency in 2014, blueberries proved useful for improving memory and focus. You can eat this fruit directly or process it into a smoothie.

That's a review of the recommendations for the breakfast menu for brain health that you can make a choice for. You can get the above food ingredients easily in supermarkets and traditional markets. From a number of menus above, which food do you enjoy? Also read animal protein for 8 months of babies.

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