What Is Glioblastoma? A Ganas Brain Tumor Disease That Is Hard To Heal
What is glioblastoma (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Glioblastoma is a type of malignant cancer that is one of the most dangerous diseases. This aggressive cancer attacks the brain and spinal cord. This health problem can be experienced by anyone, but it infects adults and the elderly more often.

The disease glyoblastoma is a serious health problem that is difficult to treat and often irreversible. This disease known as the medical term glyoblastoma multiforme (GBM) usually occurs in the central nervous system, especially the part of the brain called glia cells. The glyoblastoma cancer cell can grow and spread quickly in the sufferer's brain.

GBM is the most serious type of primary brain cancer with poor prognosis. So people with cancer need to get the right and fast treatment to slow down their development. As self-awareness to maintain health, let's identify further what glioblastoma is and how to treat it.

Glioblastoma Multiforme is a type of tumor that grows in the central nervous system. This aggressive cancer can occur in the brain and spinal cord. This cancer is formed by a glyal cells called astrosites that support the health of nerve cells. tumor disease will form when astrosite cells grow abnormally.

GBM is a tumor that is often found in the big brain, namely the front (frontal lobe) and the side (temporal lobe). However, this tumor can also appear in any part of the brain such as brain stems, small brain, and spinal cord. However, this tumor rarely spreads or metastasizes to other areas of the body.

Until now, it is still not known exactly what caused glioblastoma. However, the growth of glioblastoma cancer cells is suspected to be related to changes in genetic genes or mutations. In addition, there are other factors that can increase the risk of glyoblastoma.

The following are a number of factors that can increase the risk of the emergence of GBM tumors in a person:

The initial symptoms of glioblastoma that the sufferer will feel are triggered because of the suppression of tumor cells into the surrounding healthy tissue. GBM tumor disease can grow and spread rapidly.

Symptoms experienced by people with glioblastoma can vary, depending on the growth area or the growth rate of cancer cells. Here are some symptoms that can be felt when a person has glyoblastoma:

glioblastoma ski is a disease that is difficult to cure, but patients still have to get treatment quickly. The glioblastoma treatment is done to slow down and control tumor growth.

Here are some treatment methods for glioblastoma patients that can be used as an option:

The first treatment procedure for people with glioblastoma is by means of surgery. In this method, surgeons will remove as many tumors as possible. However, in areas of the brain that are at high risk, it may not be able to remove all tumors.

This treatment method is carried out to kill as many tumor cells as possible after surgery. This medical procedure can also slow the growth of tumors that cannot be lifted through surgery.

Treatment for people with glyoblastoma can also be done using the thermozolomide method. This method is the most commonly used chemotherapy drug by doctors for glyoblastoma. In addition, carmustine (BCNU) and lomustin (CCNU) treatment is also often used.

Drug therapy is focused on specific abnormalities in cancer cells that allow them to grow and develop. The drugs given to patients are aimed at attacking these disorders, causing cancer cells to die.

TTF treatment uses electric fields to interfere with the ability of tumor cells to develop or spread. TTF can be combined with chemotherapy methods, and may be recommended after undergoing radiation therapy.

This treatment method is provided to overcome the pain and emotional changes that glioblastoma sufferers may experience. This treatment also plays a role in reducing other symptoms of cancer, so that it can improve the quality of life for sufferers.

Demikianlah penjelasan dari apa itu glioblastoma dan penyebab serta resanya. Sampai saat ini memang belum diketahui secara pasti apa penyebab dari glioblastoma, namun ada beberapa risiko yang berpotensi mengalami masalah kesehatan ini. Baca juga penyebab penyakit trigeminal neuralgia.

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