Safe Limits On The Use Of Headsets In A Day
Illustration of listening to music using headsets (photo: Pexels)

YOGYAKARTA Headsets are audio devices that can help you listen to music more clearly. Even so, this device should not be used for too long. There is a safe limit to using headsets in a day that you must comply with in order to avoid ear health problems.

According to James E, Foy, DO, an osteopathic pediatrician from California, America Setikat, listening to music through high-volume audio devices for a long period of time could result in lifetime hearing loss, quoted from the American Osteophatic Association page.

So, what is the safe limit for using headsets in a day? Come on, see the full information below.

Adapting the Harvard Health page, a person can listen to a voice with an average exposure of 85 dB for 8 hours. However, if you hear a voice above that level using a headset, experts recommend listening to it no more than an hour.

Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the period allowed for someone to hold a headset is one hour a day with a volume of only 60 percent, citing the Popular Science page.

Several studies have shown that the number of young people with hearing loss has increased over the past ten years. This is most likely due to the use of headsets with too hard volume.

Quoted from Ai-Care, there are several hearing impairments due to using headsets for too long, including:

In addition to causing problems with the sense of hearing, the use of headsets in the long term can also cause dizziness and have an effect on the brain. Therefore, you need to limit the use of headsets in daily activities.

If there is a problem with the sense of hearing after using a headset, you should go to the THT doctor for a check-up. Pay attention to the danger sign due to using a headset such as reduced listeners, the pain in the ear that does not improve after giving the drug or getting more and more pain every day.

Hearing tests and medical examinations are the only way to actually diagnose damage to the sense of hearing. You can't guess the health condition of the ear.

Immediately check with the doctor if you experience any signs of damage to hearing loss due to the use of the following headset:

This is information about the maximum limit for the use of headsets in a day. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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