Joko Anwar Ensures Sicsa Grave Film Will Show Overseas
Joko Anwar (Virgilery / VOI)

JAKARTA - Director Joko Anwar has just released his first religious horror genre film entitled Saksa Kubur which is expected to air starting April 11.

Like the other films, Joko said that the Saksa Kubur film will also be widely displayed abroad in the near future.

"We always (show it abroad), if we make a film," said Joko Anwar to VOI in the Kemang area, South Jakarta, Friday, April 5.

The director of the film Pengabdi Setan explained that he was used to getting offered to present his films in the international market.

Not infrequently many films are asked to be shown at film festivals or only cinemas.

"Whenever we make films, people always ask. Whether it's at a festival or in a cinema," he continued.

Now Joko Anwar is preparing to sign an approval document to bring the film Saksa Kubur abroad.

"So we have been asked to just sign the signature," he concluded.

The film Saksa Grave will present Faradina Mufti's acting as Sita. Plus the ranks of well-known actors and actresses such as Slamet Rahardjo (played as Wahyu Sutama), Christine Hakim (Lani), Arswendy Bening Swara (Pandi), Jajang C Noer (Ningsih), Putri Ayudya (Umayah), Djenar Maesa Ayu (Inayah), Widuri Putri (Small Sita) and Muzakki Ramdhan (Small Adil).

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