YOGYAKARTA It is important to recognize the daily needs of the body's fluids. Because fluids help hydrate the body. If you can't drink mineral water, because this type of water is the healthiest, can you replace it with soft drinks? Before listening to the discussion in more detail, it is important to understand that soft drinks contain 93 percent water but also artificial sweeteners. There are also those labeled soda diet or less sugar. However, can it still be chosen as an alternative to replace the body's fluid needs?

There are many recommendations for men to get at least 3.7 liters of liquid per day and 2.7 liters of women. About 20 percent of these needs can be obtained from food, such as fruits, soup, or other soupy dishes.

Soda can meet liquid needs, because it is liquid. But in addition to 93 percent of the liquid content in a bottle or a can of soda, it is important to observe it contains anything. Sugar, in one package soda contains about 12 ounces or almost 8 tablespoons of sugar.

Likewise, soda is labeled to support your diet. This drink is not completely calorie free just like mineral water. You will also not find any health benefits unless you delay thirst for a while. Research reported by Everyday Health, Wednesday, April 10, found that soda diet standers consume more unhealthy foods throughout the day. Other studies have also found that postmenopaus women who drink more than two soda diets a day, the risk of stroke increases by 23 percent and the risk of heart disease is 29 percent compared to those who never drink soda diet.

It is also important to observe, some types of soda contain caffeine. Caffeine is associated with light deurtic effects. In other words, drinking caffeinated soda makes you urinate more so that it can drain the body's fluid reserves. Although the caffeine content is quite low, according to the National Academy of Sciences, as much as 1/3 of the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee. Diuretic effects are only temporary.

Regular soda is high in calories, almost all of which come from additional sugar, usually in the form of high fructose cornfers. According to USDA, a 12 ounce can of soda contains 155 calories, and about 147 calories of which come from sugar. Although a soft drink called healthier and lower sugar has started to be marketed, most of it still contains artificial sugar or sweeteners.

Technically, soda diet is understood to be calorie free. But it's not the best choice for your healthy drink. Research also attributes an increase in consumption of soda diet to the addition of the waist circumference. So what about carbonated drinks without adding artificial sugar or sweeteners, for example Seltzer? Does it help hydrate more healthyly than soda diet?

Seltzer is a carbonated drink, which is slightly better than soda kulin. Although only slightly more hydrating than soda, this drink does not contain additional sugar or artificial sweeteners like soda has, and is naturally caffeine free. If soda is a habit you want to stop or reduce, seltzer can be a good substitute, because it can satisfy the desire for something cold and soda.

In addition to sugar, according to research at Harvard, soda is bad for the health of your teeth, especially the sweetened one. Sugar and soda, can cause tooth enamel erosion and cause cavities. The explanation above answers the question of whether soda can replace mineral water to hydrate the body. Of course, nothing is better than water, although technically soda can hydrate. However, health experts still recommend drinking healthy drinks to minimize the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

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