JAKARTA - The soap opera actor Furry Setya or who is familiarly called Mas Pur admitted that he did not rule out reconciliation with his ex-wife, Dwinda Ratna.
This was said by him because considering that he is no longer young, it will be difficult to try to open his heart again with new people.
"I never knew about it again because I was just going to flow because at this age, for example, if I wanted to open a new page with a new person, the process was tiring, I had to fall in love again, like it again, PDKT again, for me it was tiring," said Furry Setya in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Thursday, April 4.
"If in the end the destiny unites, we can't do anything," he continued.
Even so, this 40-year-old man chose to focus more on himself first after officially divorcing Dwinda recently.
"Until now I don't know what to do. Because if for example to open the heart again until now it hasn't been, it's more to focus on yourself," he added.
Until now, Mas Pur said that his relationship with his ex-wife was in good condition. They still continue to communicate even though it is only limited to short messages.
"Communication is still good. Two days ago it was still Whatssapp, still asking about news and so on. Communication is really well established," he concluded.
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