JAKARTA - The couple Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah are seen spending the end of their Ramadan while performing Umrah. This moment of excitement was uploaded by them via private Instagram.

However, even though it was only the first day of Umrah, both Atta and Aurel had been faced with various trials. The first is when they have to face the heat of Mecca.

Atta Halilintar said that the heat of Mecca even reached 37 degrees Celsius.

"I came to fulfill your call, O Allah, I came to fulfill your call. The Prophet SAW said: 'Umrah in the month of Ramadan matches the pilgrimage' (HR Ibnu Majah)," wrote Atta Halilintar, quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram, Friday, April 5.

"The fasting month is below 37 degrees, we and our children are handed over," added Atta.

It didn't stop there, when it arrived at one of the hotels, Atta and Aurel had to return to face trials where they could not get into the news even though they had been waiting for hours.

Not long ago their two children, Ameena and Azzura, had started fussy because they were tired of undergoing Umrah with their parents.

"Waiting for hours can't check in. Bring 2 children that are fussy," wrote Aurel Hermansyah.

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