What Is Mujahir In Islam? The Following Are Understanding, Characteristics, And Impacts
Illustration (Photo: Pixabay/S Goody-Sander)

YOGYAKARTA What is mujahir in Islam? Mujahir is one of the disgraceful acts that fall into great sins.

A Muslim is obliged to avoid mujahir because it can harm himself and others, both in the world and in the hereafter.

In a hadith originating from Abu Hurairah, RA, Rasulullah SAW said:

You can't believe it, why don't you think about it? You can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't.

Meaning: 'Every of my people will receive forgiveness, except for mujahirin.' (Hadis History of Imam Al Bukhari and Muslims).

For more details, see information about what is mujahir in Islam and its characteristics and impacts in the following reviews.

Understanding mujahir in Islam is an act of immorality that is announced with feelings of pride. This explanation is contained in the book Syarah Riyadhush Shalihin Volume 4 by Syaikh Salim bin Ied Al Hilali.

A person who performs mujahir is called mujahirin. In the hadith narrated by the Muslim Imam, it is explained that mujahirin is people who commit immorality, then he tells it to others. They are considered openly to have committed sins.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that mujahir is the same as exposing his own disgrace and feeling proud of him.

A person who commits a mujahir act can be recognized through the following characteristics:

Openly committing sin or exposing one's own disgrace contains an attitude of opposition and underestimates the greatness of Allah SWT.

In the open attitude regarding the act of sin, there are five crimes at once. The first is a sin that has been committed. Second, mention the act of sin even though Allah has covered it up.

Third, squandering the veil or shield given by Allah SWT. Fourth, mobilizing the desire to commit immorality to the person he shows, fifth, instilling the desire to commit immorality to others and leading them to commit these crimes.

In the book Tip Cleaning Hearts from Dirt and Maksiat by Ibb Qayyim al Jauzah, it is stated that the behavior of mujahir can cause harm to humans in the world and in the hereafter.

The impact of mujahir's actions, among others:

That's the information about what mujahir is in Islam. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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