YOGYAKARTA Inflammatory or inflammation is a form of body defense against injury and bacterial or viral infection. Signs of the body's most easily recognized inflammation are the emergence of pain, heat, redness, swelling and loss of function. However, some inflammatory sufferers do not show any symptoms.
This article will discuss whether it is inflammatory, signs of body inflammation and how to overcome it. Check out the explanation!
Adapting AI-Care, inflammation is a natural response from the immune system when the body is exposed to agents that cause inflammation such as viruses, bacteria, or certain chemicals.
This explanation activates the immune system. Next, the immune system will send its first response, which is to release various hormones to relieve inflammation.
One of them is the bradikinine hormone and histamin which makes blood vessels widen. This is necessary to drain more blood in the inflammation area in order to speed up the healing process. This mechanism causes the inflammatory area to appear reddish, swollen and warm.
Menukil Verywell Health, berikut ini adalah tanda-tanda inflammasi tubuh yang perlu tahu.
Citing Healthline, to overcome body inflammation, there are several things you can do, such as:
This is information about signs of body inflammation. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.
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