JAKARTA - Zakat fitrah is something that must be done for every Muslim to purify himself when the holy month of Ramadan arrives. Not only benefits, giving zakat is also a form of concern for the underprivileged, especially muzaki and mustahik.

Allah SWTRAlih dalam surat Al-Baqarah ayat 43:

Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

That is, And establish prayer, pay zakat and ruku'lah along with people who ruku'. (QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 43).

This is explained in the history of Abu Hurairah RA. said Prophet SAW which means: Islam is built on five things: testifying that no god has the right to worship other than Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, prayer, paying zakat, going to Hajj and fasting during the month of Ramadan. (HR Bukhari and Muslim) (Musthafa Sa'id al- Khin, Al-Fiqhul Manhaji' in the style of Madzhabil Imamisy Syaf'i, t. t.: Part II, hal. 11).

Here are some explanations of the provisions regarding Zakat Fitrah, reported by NU Online, Tuesday, April 2, among others:

As mentioned above, along with the argument of the Koran and its hadiths, according to the agreement of the scholars, it is obligatory to pay zakat for people who have met the criteria, namely; Muslims, independent (not martyrs) and have basic needs during Eid al-Fitr (day and night). This applies to men, women, small children, adults, independent people and martyrs (who are muba'adh).

The expenditure time is divided into five, along with the distribution and explanation of each:

Everyone has to eat one sha' (about 2.7-3.0 kilograms) staple food (in Indonesia usually rice, some sago, wheat or others).

Intention is something that must be done in zakat fitrah. Intention must be in the heart and it is recommended to read it only to emphasize it.

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That is, 'I intend to pay zakat fitrah for myself, fardhu because Allah Ta'ala.'

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That is, 'I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my wife, fardhu because Allah Ta'ala.'

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That is, 'I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my son (state name), fardhu because Allah Ta'ala.'

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That is, 'I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my daughter (state her name), fardhu because Allah Ta'ala.'

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"This means, I intend to pay zakat fitrah for myself and all those whose livelihoods are my responsibility, fardhu because Allah Ta'ala."

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

That is, 'I intend to issue zakat fitrah to (state a specific name), fardhu because Allah Ta'ala.'

Zakat Fitrah is distributed to one of the eight recipient groups (mahiq) defined in Islam, namely the poor, poor, Amil (zakat officers), converts (new to Islam), slaves, debtors. people who are on their way to Allah and people who are on a long journey who are not immoral.

For zakat recipients, it is intended that the recipient of zakat prays for the giver of zakat so that Allah will repay what he gives and his property is blessed. Examples of these prayers are as follows:

Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

That is, 'May Allah reward you give what you give, and may Allah give blessings for the wealth you keep and make it a cleaner for you.' (Habib Hasan Ahmad al-Kaf, Taqr Economyr Sad Khudah, 2003: 418-420).

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