Reza Rahadian Yakin Film Saksa Kubur Tak Meneksploitasi Agama
Reza Rahadian (Virgilery / VOI)

JAKARTA - Artist Reza Rahadian believes his latest horror film with director Joko Anwar entitled Saksa Kubur will not become a film that exploits any religion.

Previously, Reza admitted that he could not deny that the horror film genre has recently been the most produced film by filmmakers.

"Of all the horror films that have been shown so far, whether we want to be opposed or not, we will see based on the facts first. The numbers cannot be denied by horror anymore in peak," said Reza Rahadian in the Kemang area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 28.

However, this Habibie and Ainun film player can guarantee that the Saksa Kubur film does not have elements that carry religion such as hot chats related to the horror film phenomenon some time ago.

"But I'm sure that when I read the scenario, I didn't have a single scene with Joko, even when we said this was religious horror, which then suddenly made people like this bring religion like this? I'm sure there won't be one. Really sure there won't be," said Reza.

Not without reason, this was said by Reza because he was the perpetrator who saw firsthand how the process of making this film and the scenario given to him.

"Because I know exactly what it looks like and what the scenario is like. So it's debateable," he concluded.

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