Getting To Know Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure And 5 Types Of Food To Overcome It
Illustration of food to treat low blood pressure (Freepic/stockking)

YOGYAKARTA If you experience low blood pressure, some foods can help overcome it. Although it is not as instant as a prescription for medicine from a doctor, foods high in vitamin B12 and folates and increasing salt intake help overcome low blood pressure.

Low blood pressure is known as hypotension. Experienced when blood flows through blood vessels at lower than normal pressures. Healthy blood pressure for most people is usually 120/80 mmHg. Although there is no definite standard for blood pressure, medical experts admit blood pressure is less than 90/60 mmHg considered as hypotension.

Symptoms of low blood pressure are usually rarely recognized. But when you feel dizzy or have a mild headache; nausea; fainting; unusual dehydration or thirst; blurred vision; fatigue; fast or shallow breathing; cold, damp, and pale skin; depression; and lack of concentration are symptoms of low blood.

Causes of low blood pressure have many factors. This condition can be temporary or long-lasting. This depends on the underlying factors. Launching Medical News Today, Tuesday, March 26, the cause of low blood pressure according to the American Heart Association (AHA) and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, among others:

For the type of orthostatic hypotension, also known as postural hypotension, occurs when a person's blood pressure drops when they are standing from sitting or lying down. This causes mild or faint headaches that sometimes cause fall and injury. A person experiences this postural hypertension due to dehydration, certain medicines, neurological conditions, and heart problems.

In contrast to the low blood pressure that occurs after eating, it is called postprandial hypotension, which can occur after a stroke or accident. This condition is also associated with genetic and age tendencies. Extreme Syok can also trigger extreme hypotension. For example due to bleeding, burns, or excessive body fluids loss. To overcome the symptoms experienced, it is most appropriate to consult a doctor after receiving an accurate diagnosis. However, the following amount of food can help overcome low blood pressure.

Salt or sodium chloride, affects hormones that control the balance of the body's water. High salt intake can increase blood pressure. People who have low blood pressure, may benefit from salt intake. How, add a pinch of salt in a glass of water and then drink it. It can also by eating salted and savory foods but in a limited portion.

Food sources are rich in vitamin B12, including meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products as well as cheese. For those of you who are undergoing a vegan or vegetarian diet, you can eat contracts, tempeh, tofu, soy milk, and red beans.

You can get folate intake by consuming green leafy vegetables. In addition, broccoli, nuts, eggs, but, oranges, seeds, and liver, also provide additional folates for the body.

Low blood pressure, one of which can be caused by dehydration. So it is important to get enough fluids. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of mineral water a day. For the elderly, you can become dehydrated more quickly so you need to remind them to drink regularly.

Foods and drinks that contain caffeine can cause increased blood pressure. However, research on the effects of caffeine on blood pressure is inconclusive. Research shows that coffee temporarily increases blood pressure only on people who don't drink it regularly. In addition to coffee, chocolate, tea, chocolate, and some soda and energy drinks contain caffeine.

That is an explanation of the symptoms of low blood pressure, causes, and foods that treat hypotension. In addition to eating the food and drinks above, it is important to check with a doctor and get medical recommendations to treat low blood pressure or hypotension.

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