YOGYAKARTA -GHfirlii warhamnii watub alayya merupakan sucaan istighfar rajab yang perlu dilakukan oleh umat Muslim. Bacaan ditujukan sebagai meminta maaf dan taub kepada Allah SWT. Umat Islam diharakan membaca istigfar ini sebanyak 70 kali di pagi dan sore hari saat bulan Rajab.

The month of Rajab is one of the special times for Muslims to increase their practice. In the book 12 Book of Charity Mulia Amalan Throughout the Year written by Abdurrahman Ahmad As-Sirbuny, it is stated that when Rajab had priority as a noble month in Islam.

To gather good deeds, Muslims are taught to read dhikr during the month of Rajab. Memorizing dhikr can provide priority for Muslims to ask for shelter, mercy, and privileges in the sight of Allah SWT. In addition to reading dhikr, there are a number of other practices that should be carried out during the month of Rajab.

When entering the month of Rajab, Muslims are encouraged to read the dhikr Allahummagfirli warhamni watub alayya. Based on the book Ecyclopedia Al-Quran and Hadiths Per Theme Part 4 in Islam' by M. Yusni Amru Ghazali, Lc., et al., there are hadiths who say:

"Ibnu Umar said, 'One time I sat near Prophet SAW, then I heard him say istighfar one hundred times. Then he prayed:Allahummaghfirli warhamni watub 'alayya innaka ANTat tauwaaburrahim or Innalaka tawwaabun ghafuur."

Meaning: O Allah, forgive me my sins and forgive me, and forgive me my repent. You are indeed an Implementous and Merciful Substance.' Or, 'You are indeed an Implementous Substance Who Accepts My Repentance and Ignorance'.'(HR. Ahmad).

In addition to reading the dhikr above, Muslims can also do a number of other practices in the month of Rajab to get blessings from Allah SWT. Mentioned from Anas bin Malik r.a, Rasulullah SAW said:

"The excess of the month of King over another month is like an excess of the Koran over other words."

The following are some of the Rajab month's practices that can be carried out by a Muslim, followed from the official Nahdlatul Ulama website and Ustadz Abdullah Faqih Ahmad Abdul Wahid's book Kalender of Worship Throughout the Year:

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

"Allhehumma bhatrik lanfannya rasaba wasya'b Marijuana waballighn milik Ramadl bahhon".

Meaning: "Duhai Allah, bless us in the month of King and the month of Sya'ban and meet us with the month of Ramadan."

A Muslim can also perform Rajab fasting as a practice on this special month. The following is the intention of fasting Rajab and its meaning that Muslims need to understand:

You can't help it, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't.

"Nawaitu shauma ghadin 'an ad sambuh'i sunnati Rajaba lillmenhi ta'menuhlmen."

Meaning: I intend to fast the sunnah of Rajab tomorrow because of Allah SWT.

Another form of practice that is recommended to be carried out in the month of Rajab is to increase the reading of tasbih or the pronunciation of subhanallah. Muslims can recite tasbih 100 times with this confusing reading:

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

"Subhaana man laa yanbaghit tasbiihu illa lahuu, subhaanal a'azzal akraam, subhaana man labisal 'izzawuwa lahu ahlun."

Meaning: "The Holy Spirit of Dzat, which is only to Him the tasbih is blasphemed. The Holy Water of the Mighty One is again Your Majesty. The Holy One holds the power of God, and only He deserves to hold it."

Rajab's sunnah prayers are also one of the practices in the month of Rajab. Like sunnah prayers in general, Rajab prayers can be performed as many as 12 rakaats. Muslims can pray 2 rakaats with 1 greeting.

So a Muslim can pray 12 rakaats with 6 greetings. In every meeting, after reading Al-Fatihah, it is sung to recite the letter Al-Qadar 3 times and Al-Ikhlas 12 times.

During the month of Rajab, a Muslim is also advised to read the Rajab istighfar as much as possible. The following is the reading of the Rajab istighfar with Arabic writing and meaning:

Let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it.

After all, warhamnii watub 'alayya.

Meaning: "My God, forgive me, love me, and forgive me."

Such is the reading of the istighfar Rajabfffirlii warhamnii watub 'alayya and its meaning that must be understood by a Muslim. As a form of getting closer to Allah and worshiping in the month of the King, Muslims are encouraged to do various practices above. Also look at the virtues of reading the Koran in the month of Ramadan.

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