Keep The Body Balanced, This Is A List Of High Foods For Electrolytes
Illustration of a high list of foods for electrolytes (Freepic/KamranAymen)

YOGYAKARTA The body requires electrolytes for nerve and muscle functions, blood pressure settings, and hydration. Electrolytes are substances that can deliver electricity if dissolved in water. Examples of electrolytes include calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium, and bicarbonate.

Electrolytes also prevent the body from getting dehydrated which can cause the body to let go to headaches. What are the food and drinks that are high in electrolyte, here's the list:

In addition to food, you can meet your electrolyte needs by drinking several types of natural drinks. Such as orange juice, coconut water, soy milk, and tomato juice.

Do food and beverages contain better electrolytes than high-electrolyte sports? Electrolytes from food and beverages contribute to the overall level of body electrolytes. If you get from food and drinks, you don't need to add exercise drinks or oral reformation supplements.

However, some conditions require drinking electrolyte supplement drinks. Like someone who has diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and lost a lot of body electrolytes. After someone does extreme exercise or gets a lot of sweat, launches Medical News Today, Friday, March 22, it may also be necessary to hydrate and replace lost electrolytes with sports drinks.

It is important to understand, electrolytes in the body affect several functions. Including balancing blood pH and blood pressure, ensuring adequate hydration, facilitating the transfer of electrical impulses, heart, muscle, and nerve cells to other cells, helping to repair tissue damage, regulating neural and muscle functions including relaxation and contraction, and contributing to blood clots.

If the body's electrolyte count is not balanced, it causes health problems. The sign is that when you feel changes in blood pressure, shortness of breath, confusion, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, fast or irregular heartbeats, weakness or difficulty moving, frequent or rarely urinating, fainting, and seizures. To prevent experiencing these signs and maintaining the body's electrolyte balance, you can consume the list of food and drinks mentioned above.

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