Types Of Bobotage In Men In The World
Types Of Kebotakan Pada Pria (Image ingin akuyurt - Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Men's furniture cannot be underestimated because it can attack anyone. This time we will discuss whether it is related to bald, both from symptoms to the type of deboture in men. Therefore, watch it until it's finished, yes!

In fact,botity is not only experienced by the elderly. Men with an age range in the late 20s and thirties also have the potential to experience it.

Causes ofbotage

Everyone loses approximately 50 100 strands of hair every day. This is common and new hair will also grow to replace hair that is lost. However, hair loss can be an indication of medical disturbance if no new hair grows until it causes furniture.

Some aspects that can cause excessive hair loss and have the potential to lead to furniture include:

1. Descendants aspect

Aspects of heredity or geneticity are the most frequent triggers onbotage. This situation can lead to androgenic alopecia with a distinctive fiber pattern.

This type ofbotage is often required by depletion of hair and the withdrawal of the hair boundary line on the forehead. Bald due to heredity can begin from a young age (early hair) and take place gradually with age.

2. Hormone Changes

There are various conditions that cause changes in hormone levels in the body and stimulate the formation of deboture. Some of these conditions are pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, PCOS, and thyroid constraints. Obstacles due to changes in these hormones are usually temporary.

3. Certain Diseases

Some medical conditions, a kind of autoimmune disease that causes alopecia areaa, fungal infections in the skin of the head, as well as mental disorders called tritotyomania, can cause defects.

Not only that, events that cause stress or psychological disorders, such as loss of loved ones or divorce, can also cause hair loss and baldness.

1. Bald in the Middle

The majority of men are starting to run out of hair in the center of their heads. This can be for hormonal and hereditary reasons. There is only one method that can be done to overcome it, cut the rest of your hair so short that it is not clearly visible.

2. Channels Next to each other

You can see that many men have 2 characteristics ofbotage that enter the skin of the head as a groove. This is a general pattern where men's hair is running low. You can change the style of rockstar hair. Just give a sharp groove on the edge and a hair spike in the middle.

3. Total Bald

If you run out of hair in each place of your scalp, then you can forget the pattern. You just need to brain out your head.

4. Crown Bald

Some men start to be bald from the part of their crown. While the hair on the back they are still thick, but your forehead looks wider. If you have this kind of hair loss pattern, comb your hair from back to forward. Or you have the option of growing a fashionable horse tail. Because the hair growth behind the crown is still good, you must be good at managing it.

5. Reduced Hairlog

If your hair looks thin from the hemisphere in the head, then this is almost certain because of the error of combing. Men's furniture doesn't start from the hemisphere, so does the man. So change the haircut and don't comb your hair too hard.

Obstructive Prevention Efforts

Bald because the genetic or age aspects cannot be prevented. However, the sabotage caused by other aspects can be prevented by carrying out the following efforts:

Selain cara mengatasi kebotakan di atas, Anda juga perlu membaca: 5 Perawatan Alami Ini untuk Pertumbuhan Rambut sebagai refrensi untuk pencegahan.

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