JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BRI) again recorded a brilliant achievement with increasing brand value (brand value) in the Brand Finance Global 500 2025 report. In the report, BRI was the highest or was ranked first in Indonesia and ranked 323 among 500 companies with the most valuable brand value in the world.
The report states that BRI is experiencing a rapid increase in ranking from rank 446 in 2024 to position 323 this year. BRI's Brand value is recorded to be higher than global brands such as Prudential, Manulife, Credit Agriculture, Yahoo! Group, Jeep, Pfizer, Nokia, Prada, and other global brands. Meanwhile, there are only two companies from Indonesia that have made it to the list, with BRI at the highest ranking.
Research Brand Finance continues to show that well-run brands generate measurable value, make differentiations for companies to compete in competitive markets and attract loyal customers. More than that, a strong brand also encourages talent acquisition, increases investor confidence, and builds resilience in times of uncertainty, wrote Chairman & CEO of Brand Finance, David Haigh, in his report.
This research was conducted on more than 175,000 respondents in 31 countries who measured customer trust and loyalty to brands.
BRI President Director, Sunarso, revealed that the company is very proud and grateful for BRI's achievements in Brand Finance Global 500 2025, which reflects the brand's strength and public trust in BRI's products and services.
"The increase in BRI's value brands from year to year and its achievement as the best in Indonesia is clear evidence of BRI's commitment to providing the best financial performance, superior products and services, and at the same time strengthening financial inclusion for all levels of society," said Sunarso.
Sunarso also emphasized that BRI will continue to transform in order to adapt to the changing times. "This success cannot be separated from the hard work of all BRI people in carrying out a business strategy that is oriented towards sustainable growth, as well as full support from customers, especially MSME players, shareholders, and all stakeholders. We believe that a strong brand is not only about the financial aspect, but also about the positive impact that is given to the community," concluded Sunarso.
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