JAKARTA - The phenomenal Black Mirror series will return with a seventh season next year. Netflix as the broadcaster announced this news through a post.

A video shows six points marked by six stories. The 29-second video ends with the Black Mirror logo.

Six new stories, but one looks a little familiar. Black Mirror returns 2025.pic.twitter.com/uJmpxEhZH4

They also confirmed the seventh season will be released in 2025. In addition, they also stated that six new episodes will come where one of them is a continuation of the episode in the previous season.

Launching the Netflix report, the sequel episode will continue one episode of the fourth season, USS Callister, starring Jesse Plemons as Robert Daly. The episode tells of a programmer who makes reality simulations based on the lives of his co-workers.

"Obviously Robert Daly may have died in the original episode, but for the USS Callister crew, their problem has just started," Netflix tweeted.

The Black Mirror series first aired for two seasons on the television station Channel 4. Then, television did not continue the series until Netflix decided to continue for the third season in 2023.

The Black Mirror continues into this year and returns with a sixth season in 2023. They present a series of Hollywood artists in that season consisting of five episodes.

Netflix also has not confirmed when the seventh season of Black Mirror will be released.

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