JAKARTA - Artist Bryan Domani admitted that he had planned to take a break from acting until June 2024. This was conveyed by Bryan because he felt he had taken many acting projects in the previous year.

"Honestly, I actually want to rest until June, I don't want to shoot first, I want to rest first," said Bryan Domani in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, Thursday, March 14.

However, it turned out that the plan was finally delayed because suddenly he accepted an offer to play in a mini series entitled Demi Masa in collaboration with the Kahf perfume event, turning on #DetiksecondBerKahf.

"It's like wanting to rest because thank God last year there were many projects. But if there is sustenance, I will not refuse if I go in with what I do. Like Kahf, suddenly sustenance becomes a blessing," continued Bryan Domani.

The reason is, according to Bryan, the message that he wants to convey in this mini series is simple but can get in his heart. He also felt that there would be new lessons for the audience and for himself when playing the character Rio.

"So if you watch the series, it doesn't feel like it's being lectured. It's just our daily way of life where we usually just pass by, but because of this series we think every second is important to do good and God willing, that will be a blessing for us," he explained.

In addition, the lover of Mawar de Jongh also said that there was one sentence that poked him in this series where sometimes he as a human forgot to benefit others.

"The words 'living before death'. There was a scene that became my papa, it was very hit. The way he was conveyed was that sometimes we forget to be human beings live a good life, which must be useful for others and us or me who do it for ourselves sometimes forget," explained Bryan Domani.

"So when I did the scene, I seemed to be flicked. Not because of my character, but because of the players, writing, and crew, and everything, got hit," he concluded.

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