YOGYAKARTA - Along with the times of course the word 'Affiliate' is familiar to our team, isn't it? But that's why it started to emerge as well as the mode of fraud for the affiliate program. Wow!

Understanding Affiliate

Before going far to the modus operandi of affiliate program fraud, it would be nice to get to know what affiliate is. The reason is, affiliate is a step to earn additional income by registering with a company that is offering consumers the opportunity to sell products through affiliation, in order to make a profit according to a mutual agreement. An example of the well-known affiliate program is Shopee Affiliator and also TikTok Affiliate which is famous for providing benefits to many people.

Currently, the modus operandi of fraud under the guise of an affiliate program is increasingly occurring. Usually, the perpetrators will act by providing the lure of a large profit by asking the victim to transfer some money as collateral.

According to the 2023 Asian Scam Report, there were 28.8 percent of victims of fraud entangled by the large incentive value offered. This is reinforced again with the 2024 Global Risk Repport data which states that the number of cyberattacks is at the top five global by 39%.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, citing a report from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo), there were 1,938 hoax content in the type of fraud that had been successfully identified until May 2023.

Responding to the high phenomenon of online fraud mode, PT Global Digital Niaga Tbk (Blibli; Perseroan; IDX ticker code: BELI) continues to emphasize and provide tips on Avoid cheating by irresponsible individuals, including fraud with affiliate mode. Come on, identify the affiliate fraud mode!

Affiliate Program Fraud Modes

1. The lure of the Commission is a percentage after doing certain tasks

Anyone offering an affiliate program with the lure of a big commission? Wait! Fraudsters can use the psychology of greed' victims, aka feelings of dissatisfaction, by continuing to provide tasks and withdraw the value of deposits getting bigger with promises of multiple commissions. To avoid similar deception problems from happening, it is not only advised not to be easily tempted, you should also not carelessly provide personal information or the One Time Password (OTP) code so as not to be misused.

2. Request To Purchase Or Transfer 'Administrative Costs' As A Guarantee

This mode is quite often used to trick victims of fraud. Generally, victims are asked to pay several stages that make it difficult, including making transactions in the form of buying products or requiring the guarantee of a certain amount of money as an administration fee. Meanwhile, the trusted affiliate program only provides commissions based on the sale of recommended products.

3. Often in the name of Blibli

Affiliate program scams on behalf of Blibli often occur. Starting from circulating letters that use fake kops and the characteristics of fake hands of the company's board of directors, to social media groups, the application also sends messages claiming to be the official community of Blibli. Remember, the implementation of Blibli's affiliate cooperation is to provide reference to certain products, as well as provide commissions based on recommended product sales. NOT AND NOT asking partners to carry out any transactions / purchases outside the Blibli platform, especially using personal accounts.

4. Fake Testimonials From Fraudster Partners

Be alert when invited to social media groups, or instant messaging services such as WhatsApp Group, Telegram Group, etc. who claim to be an official community. Don't be careless when contacted by someone who voluntarily provides testimonials, instead you need to think critically about the possibility of fraud. For that, if an affiliate offer finds it difficult to believe, aka too good to be true, you should report it quickly to the authorities.

In addition to discussing the affiliate mode, you also need to be aware of the 'Modus of Fraud Ahead of the Month of Ramadan' which is currently taking place this month.

So after knowing the mode of affiliate program fraud, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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