YOGYAKARTA Infertility is a fertility disorder, where married couples cannot get pregnant after 1 year of marriage and have sex without using contraceptives. Infertility can occur in one or both couples. Therefore, it is important to know signs of infertility in men and women.

The above has been mentioned that infertility can occur in one or both partners. This means that infertility does not only occur in women. A man can also experience fertility disorders.

Launching AI-Care, infertility occurs at about 13-15 percent of couples worldwide. About more than a third of cases of infertility occur due to disturbances in the male reproductive system.

The main sign of inferibility in men is that couples cannot get pregnant even though they have had sex regularly (at least 2-3 times a week) for one year without contraceptives.

In some cases, signs of infertility in men will appear if there is an underlying medicalOUND, such as:

In addition, there are still other signs of infertility that men need to pay attention to, including:

After knowing the signs of infertility in men, the next thing to look at is the characteristics or signs of infertility in women.

Symptoms of infertility in women can be recognized in the following ways:

If you find any signs of infertility above, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

This is information about signs of infertility in men. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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