Easy Tips To Make Peace With Heartache
Illustration (Joshua Abner/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Heartache and disappointment are not solely caused by a failed relationship. Lack of friendship, broken professional relationships and broken family ties can also lead to feelings of disappointment that can lead to long-term trauma to depression and loss of enthusiasm for life.

Quoting Healthline, Monday, March 1, healing heart wounds takes a long time and these wounds will leave scars. Even though it feels hard to forgive or forget about an unpleasant incident, you must try to do various things that help undergo the healing process and maintain emotional wellbeing.

Acknowledging the pain

The best thing about getting over pain is to admit that it is there so that you allow yourself to let go of all the pain, sadness, anger, and guilt. Admitting pain does not mean admitting that you are weak but it is an early stage of recovery. This process can actually help you see life better and learn to accept the truth for what it is.

Create a To-Do List

Doing hobbies or trivial activities can be used as a way to make peace with pain. Create a to-do list of all the activities you want to do. Although this activity only serves as a temporary pain reliever, doing a hobby can release endorphin hormones that help reduce pain, including stress. In addition, these activities serve to remind you that life is still there despite some important relationships in your life being broken.

Don't bury the pain

Holding the pain is like a time bomb where if one day it explodes, it actually triggers your emotions to flare up even more. This can extend the recovery time. Kristen Carpenter, Ph.D., a psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center suggests letting go and feeling pain rather than 'running' from it on self-healing grounds.

It's okay not to be okay

The quote above is very important to make you accept all the circumstances that occur. Death, broken relationships, failure of a goal, and loss of hope do not instantly define your life as a failure. Therapist Victoria Fisher, LMSW states that a person's life is not the same as another and it is better if we can accept all the grief as part of our life by saying 'It's okay not to be okay'.

Say goodbye

One of the reasons that hurt feelings heal for a long time is not having time to say goodbye. If it is not possible to meet the person again, try to close your eyes for a moment and imagine the person walking in a different direction than you and saying goodbye. Accept the fact that what has happened is not what we expected.

Make peace with pain

Heartache and trauma will certainly leave an impression on a person's heart and cannot be avoided. All you can do is get on with it. Remember, forgiving others and yourself is better than expecting forgiveness from others.

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