7 Ways To Show The Best Side In Yourself
Illustration of how to show the best side in (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA Good and bad can be personal. But universally, the best side in oneself is shown through positive attitudes and steps in everyday life. What and how do you show the best side in yourself? Here's the list.

Empathy is the ability to manage other people's emotions, thoughts, and experiences. When a person has empathy, they understand and are wary of building relationships to deeper ties with others. Clinical professional Coherent Amy Braun reported by PsychCentral, Monday, March 4, listening and empathizing with those around her will expand your view of the world. Empathy also makes people more patient, loving, and improve relationships.

Taking responsibility can be a challenging and painful process. Usually it's not always fun, but taking responsibility will have the opportunity to learn and develop yourself. Braun shows that it is the responsibility to harmonize the behavior and values held in life.

The ability to look inside, we know as self-reflection. According to licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Leda Kaveh, reflection is very important. Especially reflecting on actions, beliefs, and experiences. It also helps us understand self-motiveness and identify which aspects need to be changed for personal growth.

Full attention or mindfulness is the practice of awareness at that time which was used in various therapeutic formats. The goal is to support welfare and help control yourself better. By embracing mindfulness, it also helps control yourself in difficult situations, stress, anxiety, and even in reflection.

This full attention is based on effective awareness. Several ways can be done to embrace attention. Such as focusing on breathing and accepting the thoughts of others without judging.

Being in a circle of loved ones, or support systems, is not just building a network but motivating and making you feel comfortable. Bruan's advice, it's important to be selective about who you allow to be in your circle. Find mentors, role models, and people who inspire and challenge you to thrive.

Social behavior is a behavior that helps and supports others. For example, helping to set up a reading garden with the community, donating time to animal shelters, or volunteers. According to research, people involved are at least one prosocial behavior, helping to increase overall satisfaction of life and reducing negative emotions such as being easily offended, pessimistic, and hesitant.

"It is very important to remain open to knowledge and skills throughout life," said Kaveh. More than just learning, by learning we also involve obtaining appreciation for various cultures, beliefs, and experiences. When we continue to learn, we continue to get perspectives that encourage four and love for ourselves and others.

The way above shows the best side in you and makes you develop into a better person. Be better, it means that a person who grows and develops becomes the best version of you.

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