YOGYAKARTA How to make an independent Umrah visa is a topic of conversation after the Saudi Arabian government allows Muslims who want to go Umrah to use tourist visas. Saudi Arabia received several types of visas for Umrah, namely visit visas, tourist visas, and work visas.
For anyone who plans to perform Umrah worship, they can use an independent visa. Here's how to make an independent visa for Umrah that can be followed.
What must be done for the first time is to choose a trusted Umrah visa provider. Umrah visa provider is an intermediary who cooperates with Umrah organizers in Saudi Arabia (musasasah).
However, it must be noted that when choosing, make sure the Umrah visa provider is registered with the Indonesian Ministry of Religion and has official permission. Checking can be done on the website simpu.kemenag.go.id.
After that, prospective Umrah pilgrims with independent visas must register and complete several files, namely as follows.
After the registration is successful, prospective pilgrims will have to wait for the visa provider to receive the MOFA, namely a confirmation letter issued by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Hajj.
Please note, the MOFA contains personal data, passport numbers, and visa numbers. The MOFA is only valid for 15 days. The process of issuing the MOFA itself usually takes approximately 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the Government of Saudi Arabia.
Shortly after the MOFA is published, the provider will apply for a visa to the Saudi Arabian Embassy (KBSA) as the authority. The documents that must be attached are the original passport and original travel ticket.
Later KBSA will check the feasibility of visa issuance. If passed, KBSA will issue Umrah visas and affixed to the passport. Applicants can attach less conditions if the application is rejected. This process usually takes 1 to 2 working days.
After the Umrah visa is issued, the provider will receive a visa from KBSA collectively, then it will be handed over to prospective pilgrims. Providers will also provide other documents, namely insurance, congregational identity cards, to Umrah guidebooks.
It should be noted that the Umrah visa validity period is only 90 days from the time the visa is issued.
There are several conditions that must be met before making a Mandiri Umrah visa. If the conditions are not met, then the issuance of visas cannot be done. Some of these requirements are as follows.
That's how to make an independent Umrah visa. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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